Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Most Equal Comrade, our Constitution-Shredder-in-Chief

If the nation is going to hobble its energy supply, have government play favorites in the marketplace, and trample on property rights, shouldn't such tyrannical measures at least come from the law-making branch?

No, the MEC is going to sic the EPA on our way of life, to an even more intensified degree than he's done already:

The Obama administration is set to roll out a series of climate and pollution measures that rivals any president’s environmental actions of the past quarter-century — a reality check for Republicans who think last week’s election gave them a mandate to end what they call the White House’s “War on Coal.”
Tied to court-ordered deadlines, legal mandates and international climate talks, the efforts scheduled for the next two months show that President Barack Obama is prepared to spend the remainder of his term unleashing sweeping executive actions to combat global warming. And incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will have few options for stopping the onslaught, though Republicans may be able to slow pieces of it.

As with executive-order amnesty for illegal aliens, this move is a twofer: it wrecks the Constitution and American economic health.

The most important conversation we as a nation can have at this moment is how we can feasibly stop this monster from doing any more evil.

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