Monday, November 10, 2014

American Democrats are evil; Benjamin Netanyahu is the embodiment of moral clarity

Here's what Bibi had to say about how Iran is proceeding:

“There are reports that the P5+1 countries are close to a deal with Iran on Iran’s nuclear program. I’ve instructed my office to send a letter to the foreign ministers of the P5+1 countries. In that letter I bring, verbatim, the words of Iran’s ruler Ayatollah Khamenei. The leader of this country that is depicted by some as moderate, the Islamic State of Iran, has said in the last 48 hours: one, that he calls for the annihilation of Israel – his words, not mine; two, he gives nine ways and reasons of how and why Israel should be annihilated – his words, not mine. He’s publically calling for the annihilation of Israel as he is negotiating a nuclear deal with the P5+1 countries.”
“There is no moderation in Iran. It is unrepentant, unreformed, it calls for Israel’s eradication, it promotes international terrorism, and as the IAEA report just said, it continues to deceive the international community about its nuclear weapons program. This terrorist regime in Iran must not be allowed to become a nuclear threshold power. And I call on the P5+1 countries – don’t rush into a deal that would let Iran rush to the bomb.”

An actual President and Secretary of State of an actual United States of America would be pressing tirelessly to strangle and castrate a regime like that that has Iran in its grip.

Instead, the responsibility for staving off Western civilization's final demise falls to the prime minister of Israel.


  1. OK, but what about the rest of the P5+1, i.e., Russia, China, United Kingdom, and France, plus Germany, under Svengali's spell I suppose you'll say.

  2. They're all pretty rudderless (see my post called "The Death of Europe" and my newest post, on Russia and China solidifying their ties, and Russia declaring the US an adversary. We're now surrounded by hostile forces everywhere we look, which is why it's supremely dumb to be pissing all over our alliance w/ Israel.

  3. Everybody knows the Russian bear is toothless and basically testicleless. And our economic sanctions are making him quite rapacious. And all he can do is rape.

  4. When you are the Uber man on the block you can let a lot slide and I presume a good and just Creator is like that too. Time will tell. Putin's nipples will wither and retreat a sorry chest cavity soon, in the grand schemata.
