Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Most Equal Comrade's latest Constitution-shred-fest tomorrow

He will grant amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens and then go to Las Vegas to stump for his "overhaul of the system.

Don't let anybody hand you some crock about how this is like what Dutch did in the 80s:

 Like nearly everything else that Obama and his allies say, this is a lie. Reagan and Bush were working within a law passed by Congress in 1986. Obama is explicitly acting because Congress will not meet his demands and pass a law that he wants. Obama is not even giving the new Congress time to act. It was elected this month and will not be sworn in until January. Obama is acting now expressly to pick fights and provoke, not to solve any actual problem that the bulk of the American people want solved.

 The MEC thinks he's unstoppable.  He's not right, is he?

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