Planned decline through astronomical deficit spending? Check?
Executive overreach? Check?
Smug attitude about executive overreach? Check.
Accusations that those who love freedom want to see a filthy, unfair world? Check.
Perpetuation of an absolute fiction? Check.
The Most Equal Comrade and his jackbooted comandantes are ratcheting up their assault on America on a number of fronts: immigration, race, health care - and, that most effective tool of tyranny, the global climate:
What communities need to do is tell this task force to go to Hell.The White House forged ahead Monday with yet another piece of its climate change agenda and bragged that Republicans are powerless to stop it.A presidential task force unveiled a report on how communities across the country can prepare for the effects of globalwarming. In all, the recommendations on “climate preparedness and resilience” could cost the federal government more than $100 billion to protect drinking water supplies, shore up coastlines against rising sea levels and take other preventive measures.
Check out what John Podesta, who loves tyranny the way normal people love liberty, has to say about the odds of stopping this evil:
“I believe the president will complete actions. It is a top priority of his and I don’t believe they can stop us,” White House counselor John Podesta told reporters on a conferencecall Monday. “Not withstanding Sen. McConnell making this a top priority to leave the status quo, to leave the air dirtier.”
Totalitarianism doesn't come cheap:
White House officials on Monday also detailed some the expenses associated with the task force recommendations, including $88 billion for North Atlantic states to protect against rising sea levels, $6 billion for Midwestern states to combat rising temperatures and $40 billion to improve California’s drinking water systems.
The report comes on the heels of other recent steps, including Mr. Obama’s greenhouse gas emissionsdeal with China. Under that agreement, the U.S. pledged to cut its emissions by at least 26 percent by 2025, while China merely said it will cap emissions no later than 2030.
To meet that goal, the administration is relying on its unprecedented restrictions on power plant pollution — regulations that have led to accusations of a “war on coal” — and new auto fuel-efficiency standards, among other steps.
Mr. Obama also is seeking $3 billion in taxpayer money to go toward a global climate fundaimed at helping developing nations boost their infrastructure.
I want to see evidence that the leaders of the incoming Congress understand that this is war. Not a word about "areas where we can work with the President" or "signs that he's moving to the center." If you don't understand the existential threat to America posed by the executive branch of this regime and the Freedom-Hater party of which everyone in it is a member, get out of the way and let some patriots do the job.
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