Thursday, November 6, 2014

He'd better walk this back or clarify it, or let somebody else be Majority Leader

I don't know that I go as far as Mark Levin or Red State's Leon Wolf and call it outright surrender, but I am not pleased with a certain utterance of Mitch McConnell's at his first presser as Majority Leader-elect.   Maybe it's because of his ACU rating or other pundits' willingness to defend him, or maybe a hope that it's still too early to draw irreversible conclusions that I don't go that far, but he hasn't helped dispel the image he has among a great many as suffering from Reasonable Gentleman Syndrome.

Did he not think out these implications of his proclamation?

McConnell’s pre-emptive capitulation on this issue is baffling for a number of reasons. First, contrary to the predictions of the naysayers in the Republican caucus, the GOP paid no apparent political price at all for shutting down the government in 2013, even though then they were in much weaker bargaining position.
Second, it makes zero tactical sense, especially during a confrontation with a defiant and delusional enemy, to declare that you are pre-emptively removing a weapon from your arsenal. I think that I, like a lot of people, think that shutdown/default should probably not be used over the next two years. I think that there are some potentially disastrous consequences that could occur if either is utilized. It is much the same as being a country that is armed with nuclear weapons: probably, you are never ever going to use one, almost no matter what. But you dare not announce this to your enemy beforehand because 99% of the reason for having them in the first place is keeping the thought in the back of his mind that if he pushes you far enough, or launches a nuke at you first, you will return fire.
What will Mitch McConnell do if Obama declares that he will veto literally any budget that is not his own? What if both chambers pass 5 or 6 consecutive budgets only to have them vetoed by Obama? What if he vetoes literally any debt limit extension that is not 100% clean? What will McConnell do? Will he turn over the mandate the American people gave the GOP to Obama and let him dictate policy because he is too cowardly to risk another shutdown or a default? Or will he have to come back to the American people in March and explain why he lied just 4 months ago about never doing this?
President Obama clearly signaled to the GOP yesterday that he intends to spend the last two years of his presidency trolling them. He will intentionally overstep his authority at every turn and dare them to either impeach him or force a shutdown. And if Republicans have any intention of not allowing Obama to run the Senate for the next two years, they have to at least keep the possibility of shutdown or default on the table.
The American people elected Republicans so they would actually do something to stop the Obama agenda, not just so a different class of people could be the beneficiaries of crony capitalism. And sooner or later it is probably going to be incumbent on Mitch McConnell to take a drastic measure or two to fulfill that mandate. In light of this, it is madness for him to take two of those options off the table before the fight has even begun.
Maybe he can clear this all up.  It's imperative that he lets us know that he understands that we will not tolerate even a hint of squishiness.


  1. We know little from the election of 2014 about what the American people want. Lowest turn-out since WW II and we all know that is among registered voters. What many forget is that only half those eligible don't even register. So if you want to make this upcoming Congress another blood bath you deserve what you might get in 2016, but the only constant is the half that do not even bother to register to vote. And, you know I'm with you on a lot of your stuff. Are you gonna mow me and others like me down, like collateral damage in your military wars for freedom?


  2. Errata, I just researched the arcana. Only 1/4 of those eligible, do not bother to register to vote.

    Approximately 51 million eligible Americans are still not registered to vote. This represents almost one in four eligible persons, disproportionately low-income voters, people of color, and younger Americans. Among eligible voters, some 30 percent of African Americans, 40 percent of Hispanics, 45 percent of Asian Americans, and 41 percent of young adults (age 18-24), were not registered to vote in the historic 2008 election.


  3. You don't wait around to find out what those who didn't vote want you to do. A Republican Senate Majority Leader is supposed to safeguard every weapon he might possibly need to carryout his mission, which, with regard to the matter at hand, is cutting government spending and the magnitude of our debt.

  4. You're not the Senate leader. My ire is directed at him. I did vote, and the message I sent, via this blog, along with my vote, is that I would not tolerate squish gestures.
