Monday, November 3, 2014

The metastasizing jihad cancer in Syria

Disturbing piece by Patrick Poole at PJ Media today on how it's getting harder by the day to find any "vetted moderate" anti-Assad forces in Syria.  They're joining al-Nusra and ISIS, which, by the way, are cooperating tactically on the battlefield and moving toward rapprochement.

The defections and surrenders Poole reports on have also yielded the jihadists lots of GRAD rockets and anti-tank missiles.

I repeat, we're losing this battle in the war against jihad.  The progressive mindset - the notion that there are parties out there in the world's various corners that share with us in the West a desire for a just, stable world, and that we can enlist them to do what only the strongest Western nations have ever done and then set up international bodies to move us all forward to a brighter future where we focus on climate change and fairness for the transgendered - is nearly as dangerous as jihad itself, being, as it is, the other necessary part of the equation for its victory over us.

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