Monday, September 15, 2014

It's on purpose - today's edition

The Most Equal Comrade's agenda of planned decline is the only success he can point in his sorry career as a professional Freedom-Hater.  The Tax Foundation tabulates an International Tax Competitiveness Index.  Where does post-America rank?

The index takes into account more than 40 tax policy variables. And the inaugural ranking puts the U.S. at 32nd out of 34 industrialized countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
With the developed world's highest corporate tax rate at over 39% including state levies, plus a rare demand that money earned overseas should be taxed as if it were earned domestically, the U.S. is almost in a class by itself. It ranks just behind Spain and Italy, of all economic humiliations. America did beat Portugal and France, which is currently run by an avowed socialist.

The regime finds this so delicious, it's gearing up for more:

The new ranking is especially timely coming amid the campaign led by Messrs. Obama and Schumer to punish companies that move their legal domicile overseas to be able to reinvest future profits in the U.S. without paying the punitive American tax rate. If they succeed, the U.S. could fall to dead last on next year's ranking. Now there's a second-term legacy project for the President.
Again, the FHers want us to obsess about inequality and other such non-issues while the real issue of the way of life for everybody in post-America gets obscured.

And it's another front on which our enemies smell weakness.

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