Sunday, September 21, 2014

Climate alarmists hate freedom with every fiber of their rotten beings

Want proof of the connection between green-ism and socialism?  Here tis:

Socialism was praised and promoted to raucous applause by the hundreds in attendance at the People’s Climate March event on September 20, featuring organizer Bill McKibben, author Naomi Klein, socialist Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant and socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
The event, held at the Unitarian Church of All Souls, was titled “THE CLIMATE CRISIS: WHICH WAY OUT.” The event was permeated with socialist literature with the Socialist Alternative newspaper prominently on display.

When Kshama Sawant, a socialist who won a seat on the Seattle City Council, noted she was the first socialist elected in decades, the church erupted in applause.
“A socialist world that will deliver a high standard of living for all,” Sawant said to applause.
Sawant ripped the current economic system: “The market is God, everything is being sacrificed on the altar of profits,” Sawant declared.  “We must bring giant corporations into public ownership. You cannot control what you don’t own,” she added.
Senator Bernie Sanders ripped Fox News Channel: “We all know what Fox TV does not know. Climate change is real,” he said to laughter. Sanders declared the “debate is over.” “This is the planetary crisis of our time.”
“Unless we address global warming this planet will be even more unstable than it is today.” [Sanders also faced a momentary protest from the crowd for his supporting “war.” Activists unfurled a big banner in front of Sanders while he spoke.]
I didn't know the stinking Unitarians were instrumental in organizing this, but I'm not surprised.

The war for America's soul is as red-hot as ever.  These people are the enemy, every bit as much as Iran, North Korea, the Islamic State, al-Qaeda or the Khorasan Group.  One side or the other in this struggle will be defeated, and the other side victorious.



  1. Oh God, the War for America's Soul. Havent we had enough of wars? Wars on Poverty and Drugs have raged for 40 years and failed. Socialism was a force in this country during the depression. Since then its pretty much petered out. Unless we have another depression. Thank God for freedom of speech and assembly in this country though, apparently alive and well after all these decades.

  2. You are mistaken about that. Freedom of speech is under assault as never before.

    And apparently the Democrats don't think we've had enough of wars. They keep waging the one on America's soul, as documented here and at the sites listed under "Read These Too" on the right side of this page, as well as a number of fine syndicated radio programs.

  3. You're right, corporate America leads the way in stifling the freedoms of their workers. Some even want to get ahold of your social network passwords and some states have even upheld their right to do so. They can and do even snoop on what you do on your cell phone at work.

  4. That's another topic, but one that does indeed merit consideration. LITD is on record as noting that the postmodern technocratic corporation is nearly as much of an intrusive, unwieldy bureaucracy as government. Put succinctly (and far from originally; you see this formulation with some frequency in the punditry world), conservatism is pro-free-market, not pro-big-business.

    That said, the point of this post is that environmentalism is about disparaging the entire attempt of the species to advance in the realm of comfort, convenience, and safety. It seeks to quash the basic human impulse to tinker, explore, invent and refine.
