Thursday, September 25, 2014

After all, they have made their intentions pretty plain

There's nothing surprising about the latest threat from ISIS.  They're just acting on their fatwa: has translated more of the horrifying and extremely disturbing content of the Fatwa used by ISIS written in full by Nasr Al-Fahd, a Saudi theologian calling for the complete annihilation of the United States. reviewed the 26 page Fatwa [link here] which was never translated for public study by the government showing the true colors of Islam including that such killing has already began.
The inception of this Fatwa began when terrorists wrote the scholar requesting a Fatwa on the issue of Weapons of Mass Destruction, Nasr Al-Fahd responds:
“Peace, mercy and blessings of God. It is no secret what was published in the media about the intention to hit America with weapons of mass Destruction. So what is the Fatwa ruling for the Mujahideen to use these? Is it permissible at all? Is it the Mother of necessity? … This issue, needs a complete message; and gathering from evidence and scholarly sources to the question regarding The House of War and how to practice Jihad-u-Dafi’ (Repulse Jihad) and the meaning of destruction of crops including reproduction of life (children) religiously, and so on which I will collect what was given by Allah’s will”. (Page 2)
In what Islam calls Repulse Jihad, which is basically using weapons of mass destruction, which was known in Islamic warfare, to put a complete stop and end of the enemy once and for all. ISIS then gives the response:
“If the infidels cannot be repulsed from the Muslims except by resorting to using such weapons, then it may be used even if it killed and wiped them out completely including decimating their crops and their descendants. I will include the details in my letter I mentioned. Therefore the question is asked and the answer is given and the matter is closed and concluded. (see Page #2)”
The letter and the details is what every ISIS leader carries on his laptop and is what is disseminated to their operatives globally. But its also quite widespread on the social network media in Arabic and that laptop discovery should not be shocking at all. It is what ISIS uses as well as several Jihadi networks who post the teachings for general public use for all Muslims residing in western societies.
On page 5, what westerns do not understand when they ask “why” and “what type of human being can kill indiscriminately”, ISIS explains the first lesson in such killing is that its what they term Ihsan, in English, it is “The act of kindness and charity”.

So brace yourself for some kindness and charity.

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