Saturday, September 20, 2014

Why the EPA needs to be dismantled yet this afternoon

Because it is the principle instrument by which the overlords act on their agenda of planned decline.  Perhaps no other agency of the regime so overtly relishes opportunities to strangle the post-American economy:

. . . new ground-level ozone rules likely to be unveiled this winter come on top of carbon and water rules already proposed, all of which evidence Obama’s regulatory regime is just getting started.
A recent report by the National Association of Manufacturer’s (NAM) looked at the effects a likely 15 parts per billion (ppb) increase in the EPA’s ground-level ozone standards would have on the U.S. economy. The report found a 15 ppb increase in ground-level ozone levels would raise residential electricity prices by an eye-popping 15 percent and industrial electricity prices by an even greater 23 percent – exactly what struggling small businesses and working families do not need
Additionally, such a change would increase state compliance costs by $2.2 trillion and reduce U.S. GDP annually by $270 billion from 2017-2040, according to the study. The report also examined the effect new ozone rules would have on employment by using “job equivalent” metrics which factor in not just lost jobs but reduced hours and lower pay. The result was a projected loss annually of 2.9 million job equivalents through 2040.
Clearly these are numbers the American public won’t be hearing about from the Obama Administration and the EPA when the new ozone rule is unveiled this winter. The key for Obama and the EPA in passing such heavy-handed and economically destructive rules has been to center discussion of proposed rules only on nebulous “expected” benefits (often benefits that are double-counted), while disregarding any objective consideration of the economic impacts the rules would have on the livelihood of everyday Americans.  And this regulate-first-ask-questions-later phenomenon seems to be getting worse.
A recent report by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that examined federal regulatory trends found from 2000-2013 the EPA enacted 7,615 new rules. Of those 7,615 rules, the Chamber indicated the EPA failed to estimate the compliance costs for a whopping 98 percent of them.

Talk about a nice clean, cool planet is merely the vehicle.  Total power over a nation of cattle is the goal.

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