Thursday, September 11, 2014

This is how pervasive Jew-Hatred has become

Ted Cruz was speaking at a dinner for an organization called In Defense of Christians, a group whose main concern is the persecution of Christians in the Middle East, and things were going fine until he spoke up about the need to support Israel, at which point some Palestinian "Christians" booed him so vociferously he had to cut his remarks short and leave the stage.

"I told the attendees that those who hate Israel also hate America," Cruz said. "That those who hate Jews also hate Christians. And that anyone who hates Israel and the Jewish people is not following the teachings of Christ. These statements were met with angry boos. I went on to tell the crowd that Christians in the Middle East have no better friend than Israel. That Christians can practice their faith free of persecution in Israel. And that ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah, along with their state sponsors in Syria and Iran, are all part of the same cancer, murdering Christians and Jews alike. Hate is hate, and murder is murder."
Cruz said he wanted to speak at this event to highlight the threat of ISIS to Christians and Jews worldwide, and he is disappointed that the people there did not agree with him on that.
"I came to this event tonight to help shine a light on the tragic persecution and slaughter of Christians by ISIS and Islamic radicals throughout the Middle East. American leaders have been far too silent as to this horrific evil," Cruz said. "But bigotry and hatred have no place in this discussion.  Antisemitism is a corrosive evil, and it reared its ugly head tonight."

There is no other explanation for such a reaction to an expression of solidarity with the region's only Western nation than raw Jew-hatred.


  1. The Jews have had a PR problem for quite some time. I have heard numerous American business men and engineers express contempt for them here stateside over the years. I guess God only knows how special they are.

  2. Well, he chose them, of all the peoples on the earth, to, as C.S. Lewis put it, "hammer into their heads what sort of God He was."

  3. According to their book
    What kind of God is that?
    No better than that Allah character.
