Friday, September 26, 2014

P5+1 patty cake fizzles

 A lot of good it did to extend the silly-ass talks beyond the July deadline.  Nothing is happening except whirring centrifuges and further erosion of our relationship with Israel.

“We were due to have a meeting this morning of the P5+1 on one side and the Iranians on the other but because of a lack of progress, this meeting (had) to be called off,” Reuters quoted [French foreign minister Laurent Fabius] saying.
Israel, meanwhile, voiced vociferous objections to a reported American proposal to soften its present demands that Iran gut its uranium enrichment program in favor of a new proposal that would allow Tehran to keep nearly half of the project intact while placing other constraints on its possible use as a path to nuclear weapons.
Diplomats who spoke to the Associated Press said the deal envisages letting Iran keep up to 4,500 centrifuges but would reduce the stock of uranium gas fed into the machines to the point where it would take more than a year of enriching to create enough material for a nuclear warhead.
Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz said that Israel “strongly opposes leaving thousands of [uranium] centrifuges active in Iran,” adding that “this deal is reminiscent of the failed deal reached in 2007 with North Korea, which now possesses 10 nuclear warheads.”
The initiative, revealed late Thursday, came after months of nuclear negotiations between Iran and six world powers that have failed to substantially narrow differences over the future size and capacity of Tehran’s uranium enrichment program. 
Remember  the silly-ass Six-Way Talks with North Korea?  Chris Hill would come report back to Condi and W saying, "They're just impossible to deal with," and they'd send him back to try again.

Same phenomenon, different enemy.

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