But even if Scottish voters choose independence it won’t matter in the long run. The fastest growing population in Scotland, as in all of the UK, is the Muslim community by virtue of both immigration and high birth rates. As of 2010, newborns in the UK aremore likely to be named Muhammad than Jack or Harry. Far more alarming is the fact that more UK-born Muslims signed up last year for ISIS than for the British Armed Forces. It was a British ISIS member who not only executed American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, but British aid worker David Haines.
Earlier this summer came the news out of Scotland of not one, but two Muslim pedophile rings on non-Muslim girls and the unwillingness of Scottish authorities to bring these men to justice for fear of being called racist. Although Muslims represent less than one percent of Scotland’s population (as compared to just over five percent of the entire population of the UK), there are Sharia-controlled zones in Glasgow just as there are in London. Scottish authorities legitimized Sharia-controlled zones earlier this year by threatening to arrest those who wished to leave flowers in honor of Kriss Donald, a teenager murdered by Muslims in Glasgow in 2004, on the grounds that it would incite racial tensions. Singled out by a Pakistani Muslim gang because he was white, Donald was kidnapped, stabbed repeatedly, and burned alive.
If there are Sharia-controlled zones in Scotland that are this powerful with a Muslim population that is less than one percent, then imagine how powerful they will be when the Muslim population reaches 5 percent. Or how about 10 percent?
In 1995, devolution and a Scottish Parliament existed only on paper. In a matter of days there might be an independent Scotland. But how independent will Scotland truly be? What will Scotland look like in 20 years from now?
As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said a few years ago, “There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.” (13) And with Islam comes Sharia law and that’s it. If and when Sharia law comes to Scotland, it won’t matter if Scotland votes yes or no on Thursday.