Saturday, September 13, 2014

The rocky launch of the Most Equal Comrade's war / not-war

Take in these numbers:

The CIA said Thursday that the number of Islamic State fighters has grown to as many as three times previous estimates, a day after President Obama announced he is drastically expanding the U.S. military campaign against the militants.
A spokesperson for the agency told Fox News that new assessments show that the militant group can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters across Iraq and Syria.
The spokesperson said the new figures were determined after a review of “all-source intelligence reports” on the group from May to August.
The new numbers are a big jump from the agency’s previous estimate that there were at least 10,000 Islamic State fighters.
The spokesperson said the increase is likely due to the militant’s group recruiting gains after its success on the battlefield.
“This new total reflects an increase in members because of stronger recruitment since June following battlefield successes and the declaration of a caliphate, greater battlefield activity, and additional intelligence,” the spokesperson said.

The link above includes video of Dennis Ross speaking of the importance of enlisting the help of non-jihadist Syrian groups.

There's a hitch, Dennis:

As the United States begins to deepen ties with moderate Syrian rebels to combat the extremist group ISIS, also known as the Islamic State, a key component of its coalition appears to have struck a non-aggression pact with the group.
According to Agence France-Presse, ISIS and a number of moderate and hard-line rebel groups have agreed not to fight each other so that they can focus on taking down the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Other sources say the signatories include a major U.S. ally linked to the Free Syrian Army. Moreover, the leader of the Free Syrian Army said Saturday that the group would not take part in U.S. plans for destroying the Islamic State until it got assurances on toppling Assad.
The deal between ISIS and the moderate Syrian groups casts doubt over President Barack Obama's freshly announced strategy to arm and train the groups against ISIS.

What's the plan for this little development, MEC?


  1. You might have your WW I I I in the making here. Cool, right? Shout it out from your armchair. And don't forget who the freely elected Commander in Chief of this great land is. Of course noone can do it better than Cheney can.

  2. Where did you ever get the idea I'd think a world war would be cool?

    I'll tell you what would be cool: A world that understood that the United States was so overwhelmingly mighty and had such an unwavering resolve to defend Western civilization that no rogue actors dared test its leadership.

  3. Because you are a rabid goddam hawk who poo poos peace.

  4. ISIS has beheaded two American journalists in the last month and tweeted a picture of the Old Republic Building on Michigan Avenue in Chicago, with the message, "We are in your cities and streets. You are our goals everywhere." Is that your idea of peace?

  5. Heard and seen it all before. Hawks respond accordingly so we go back to war. That is exactly what the beheaders want.

  6. Hawks love their moments like these too. It brings more folks into their fold.

  7. You're no doubt aware that a third Westerner has lost his head to ISIS since this comment thread began.

    Tell me if I'm missing anything in your policy toward jihad: The defeat of the West, and the largest possible number of Western deaths and the obliteration of the Western notion of freedom are all laudable goals and should be pursued overtly.
