Sunday, September 14, 2014

If there's a war on women, it's the Freedom-Haters waging it

Interesting story coming out of upstate New York's 21st congressional district, where FHer film producer Aaron Woolf is running against Pub small-businesswoman Elise Stefanik:

Recently, a Woolf supporter penned a letter to the editor of the Watertown paper demanding to know if Elise (who is single) has any “private relationships” with anyone, and who such a person might be. The letter came from Mike Flynn, a self-described Democrat political analyst and Woolf supporter, and the leering implications of questioning the candidate’s private dating and romantic history were enough to put anyone off their feed. The Woolf campaign quickly tried to distance themselves from the letter, calling it, “reprehensible and antithetic” to what his campaign is about. But as the Daily Caller reported, there was more to the story than originally met the eye.
Flynn didn’t take his dismissal lightly, firing back by releasing off-the-record Facebook and email correspondence with the Woolf campaign and state Democratic party — communications he claims prove he was “on-message” and working on the campaign’s behalf.
The grammatically-challenged letter noted that the 30-year-old Stefanik “hadn’t mentioned anything about her significant other, nor had she been asked by the Fourth Estate about any ongoing relationship she was involved with in her private life . . . I don’t think this falls under the heading of prying eyes.”
So Flynn apparently was in cahoots with the Woolf campaign and wanted to get the question out there in the public eye. But would anyone in their right mind be asking this question if the candidate were a young, single male? Isn’t this rather War on Womenish?
Perhaps the Woolf campaign was just getting a little desperate. Despite having a huge financial advantage over Stefanik – who is essentially running a campaign across a vast, sparsely populated district on little more than shoe leather – she has somehow opened up a double digit lead in the latest polling. 

Would have been one thing if it were just the musings of an unconnected Woolf enthusiast, but it seems he's connected indeed.

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