Friday, March 4, 2016

The Squirrel-Hair nightmare in verse

A sharp and principled Facebook friend composed this poem and posted it this evening:

Drumpfty Trumpty has made the call
That he should be president of us all,
With no real experience and no real plan,
He is manna to the education-less man!
Drumpfty Trumpty imagines a wall,
Says Mexico will pay for it all,
Only some of the Repubs and none of the Dems
Want a Drumpfty Trumpty White House win.
(Just imagine a Trump-ed up Oval Office!
Gold leaf and bright lights all across it!
With President Trump on a golden stool
Twittering tweets like $&!?@# fool!)
Oh! Drumpfty Trumpty must fall in May,
Whatever it takes, we must find a way,
If we cave to this loser's political din
Our country will NEVER be great again!
I would imagine that it's okay with her if you want to spread this yet more widely.


  1. I thought you were big on building that wall too. What is the difference when Trump trumpets it?

  2. I thought you were big on building that wall too. What is the difference when Trump trumpets it?

  3. Because from him it's a lot of bluster such as "Mexico's gonna pay for it" and "It just got ten feet higher." It's a lot of hot air - and reckless hot air at that. The Mexican government- and Mexican public - is pretty steamed. It's just an indication that he's utterly lacking in any sense of, as you put it, statecraft.

  4. Because from him it's a lot of bluster such as "Mexico's gonna pay for it" and "It just got ten feet higher." It's a lot of hot air - and reckless hot air at that. The Mexican government- and Mexican public - is pretty steamed. It's just an indication that he's utterly lacking in any sense of, as you put it, statecraft.

  5. I figured you'd come up with some lame explanation. That is the most idiotic thing, that wall and I will personally be down there protesting it's erection if you boobs ever get the first stone laid. I mean it, as if you frigging care. And there will be millions with me. Making America Assholes Again! My party has been hijacked too, way before your Republican party was. Never in a billion years would I vote for Trump or your choice of the fallen Catholic, Canadian-American prosecutor who would only hang with Ivy Leaguers in his quest to become a hot shot, which is actually not that much different at all.

  6. Bloggie wants a kinder, gentler wall and thinks his peeps can get er done.

  7. Anonymous, how do you propose to stop the flow of illegal aliens?

    And, if not the overwhelmingly most conservative candidate running, for whom do you plan to vote?

  8. I guess I shouldn't assume you want a conservative. If you're a leftist, which of your choices are you going with and why?

  9. LOL, as the Romney caricature stated on SNL last night: "In the GOP, the party of Ronald Reagan, we do not say racist and sexist things. We imply them. Subtly. Over decades and decades of policy." ROFL....

  10. Anonymous, would you care to answer my question?

  11. The invisible hand brought the illegals here while the man paid them (poorly) to his great financial benefit and working people who did not want to do that sort of work anyway looked the other way. The invisible hand will perhaps send them home. Don't they see that's where they can now find work at Carrier Air and other places you have affirmed where they should go to rid their balance sheet of nasty little things called federal income taxes and the like.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. So much for getting actual answers to my questions

  14. The Trump Gaza Strip/ Free Tokens on Friday
