Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Squirrel-Hair-bot mentality in all its horror

David Limbaugh at Townhall constructs a dialogue between himself and a hypothetical S-H devotee and exquisitely captures the mindset to which I alluded in the post below:

Me: "I'm troubled, because one would think that Republicans would abandon a presidential candidate who has conducted himself as Trump has during this campaign."
TS: "You aren't hearing us. We don't care about political correctness, his manners or your sensitivities. We only care that he will get things done. Wuss!"
Me: "But what about his questionable allegiance to conservatism?"
TS: "You're still not listening. We are not interested in your fancy ideological terms. It's all talk. We want action from an outsider with experience and accomplishments. Action, action, action." 
Me: "But what about Ted Cruz? He's admittedly an elected official, but he is still an outsider at heart who's shown he'll fight the establishment. He's actually done it, not just talked about it. And Trump has financially propped up the very people you want to hire him to destroy. So why won't you trust Cruz more than Trump?"
TS: "We already told you. Cruz is a politician and they are all corrupt. In fact, we'd lose our integrity if we even considered supporting him. Even your so-called conservatives have betrayed us by rolling over for Obama's agenda."
Me: "But not Cruz. He fought the establishment and they hate him for it."
TS: "Phooey. He's an insider. Plus, immigration."
Me: "But wait, Cruz has been on the front lines fighting immigration, and, along with a mere handful of others, prevented the Gang of Eight bill from becoming law. He did not steal this idea from Trump. He was defending our sovereignty at the very time Trump was funding those undermining it." 
TS: "Cruz is a Canadian. He and his wife are globalists. Goldman Sachs. NAFTA. GATT. CFR. Trilateralists."
Me: "Why would you assign more weight to conspiracy theories than one's actual track record of fighting illegal immigration?"
TS: "Cruz is an establishment liar."
This is the mindset that is going to prevail tonight.

Pray. Pray hard.


  1. Pray hard. Then thank the Dems and Independents with sanity in November that they delivered you from your Grand OLD Party.

  2. Delivered us into something just as dark and evil.

  3. You and Ted will just have to carp, piss, moan, freak out and prosecute all who are not of your ilk for another 4 years and hope that works for you in 2020. I'm not so sure God cares for your ilk any more than the rest of his flock, despite your insistence that you are morally strong and right.

  4. Actually a whole lot of people recall the previous Clinton years as being very peaceful and prosperous.

  5. Hillary Clinton recklessly mishandled classified information during her stint as Secretary of State and may get indicted for it. She lied to the parents of those killed in Benghazi on 9/11/12. She has enabled her sex-fiend husband - up to and including intimidating some of them to their face - because he was her ticket to her own power. She has been linked to corruption going clear back to the Whitewater scandal. SHe's widely known as a mean, nasty person who puts the word out that aides and her security detail are not to look her in the eye. She accomplished nothing in her six years as Senator. She admired Saul Alinsky as a student and met with him several times and wrote her thesis about him. Most of all, her administration would be Democrat, and, as we know, the one thing that has unified various stripes of Democrats over the last 40 years is a deep and visceral hatred of basic human freedom.

  6. The decade, of course, was the 1990s, or more specifically, the period beginning in 1992 or 1993 and ending in 2000—by common consent the most successful period in U.S. economic history since the 1960s. The questions for this article are whether, how, and to what extent current preconditions and policy settings resemble those that prevailed around President Bill Clinton’s inauguration day, whether the good times are about to roll again, and what policy adjustments may be needed to usher in a new period of prosperity. Read more at http://prospect.org/article/poised-prosperity

  7. She would nominate SCOTUS judges that would ensure the irreversibility of the legal extermination of fetal Americans, socialist health care, persecution of Christians, the ongoing existence of the ERA and IRS, and federal intrusion into state matters. World-stage leaders, such as Putin, Xi, Kim, The Ayatollah Khameini and ISIS leader al-Baghdadi, already having taking her measure as utterly clueless about keeping post-America safe, would play her like a fiddle.

  8. You're willing to excuse the spiritual rottenness of these people just because the economy was okay in the 1990s?

  9. I am talking about the voters in November. They don't care like you care I guess. You simply lost again. Now be a grown-up and come to accept it. Nice try though and better luck next time. Despite your fear mongering there is quite likely to be a next time, even without your ilk in the right kind of power.

  10. You know what spiritually ripe people do? They work to save the spiritually rotten.

  11. I accept nothing. I fight 24/7 for what is good and true and right, without relent.
