Thursday, March 3, 2016

Your tax dollars are going for this

It's all here in this one: extra-Constitutional government spending (just as the national debt passes $19 trillion), the collectivist campaign to get everyone on a uniform health-and-fitness program, and, of course, the multi-culti touchy-feely zeal for "outreach" to those in our midst from an utterly foreign culture (that sports elements that pose a great risk to our security):

The National Institutes of Health is spending over $1.6 million on an exercise program for immigrants and refugees, which is sending “community partners” into mosques to talk about physical activity.
“Healthy Immigrant Families: Working Together to Move More and to Eat Well” is an ongoing five year study trying to create a “sustainable, socio-culturally appropriate” physical activity initiative for refugees in Minnesota.
The researchers claim that immigrants and refugees are healthier than Americans when they get to the United States, and are concerned refugees will assimilate and adopt the eating habits of Americans.
“Across many measures, immigrant and refugee populations arrive to the US healthier than the general population, but the longer they reside in the US, the more they approximate the cardiovascular risk profiles of the general population,” the grant states. “These declines are mediated, in part, by less physical activity and lower dietary quality upon immigration among both adults and their children.”
The project is developing a “physical activity and nutrition intervention” for refugees led by trained “Family Health Promoters.”
Per my point about the collectivist campaign to get everyone on a uniform health-and-fitness program, isn't the term "intervention" a nice touch?

You see, the Freedom-Haters have these people right where they want them. The refugees are completely dependent. It's just a concentrated form of what they've done to the native cattle-masses. Corral us into the pen where there's no escape from their agenda.

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