Thursday, March 17, 2016

The sewer that is the post-American university - today's edition

The latest campus to get a list of demands from the snot-nosed Jacobins:

Are student-protesters trying to bankrupt their universities? If activists at the University of Arizona get everything they want—including a whopping $500,000 diversity budget—the administration would have to raise tuition rates through the roof to keep up with costs. 
A coalition of left-leaning student organizations at U of A has organized itself into a grievance group, the Marginalized Students, and published a list of demands. Their list will not surprise anyone who has read the outrageous set of demands recently issued by Western Washington University students, who spell history with an "x" (where the rest of us put the “i”) to avoid gender connotations and are seeking the creation of an entirely new college for social justice indoctrination. 
The Marginalized Students want U of A to force all employees of the college, and some students—including everyone who works for the student newspaper—to undergo cultural sensitivity training. They want trigger warnings, and they want faculty members who fail to use them to be punished. They want optional separate living communities for students of color, gay students, and women (the marginalized don't like to share safe spaces, it seems). And they want diversity—a whole lot more diversity. Half a million dollars worth of diversity, in fact. 
“It is important to note that these are Demands, not simply requests or suggestions,” wrote the students. “These represent thoughtful, meaningful reforms that are necessary in order to affirm the expectation of safety and real life equity. Should these demands not be met or properly negotiated to our standards, we will mobilize our students. Additionally, we will inform prospective students, faculty, staff, as well as previous faculty and staff, alumni, and anyone else who will listen of the problematic climate that is perpetuated on this campus.”
It will be interesting to follow this one. Just what kind of leverage does "Marginalized Students" have? What can they do beyond riot? I guess they could just withdraw, but that delays their progress toward graduation. Then again, maybe that's not of interest to them. Right now, the ball is in the court of administrators, faculty, trustees and alumni. Will they quiver on their wing tips and convene with this group to "work out mutually satisfying accommodations" or will they call its bluff?

Stay tuned.


  1. So what huge percentage of the students are "with" these protestors? I'd guess many fewer than were "with" our spoiled, largely Jewish, brats back in the day. Even so, like yawn. Double yawn!

  2. I guess you haven't heard about what has happened at U of Missouri, Yale, Dartmouth, Western Washington U, and Cornell over the past year. Or how every stinking campus in post-America has an Office of Diversity and Inclusion, not to mention centers for blacks and homosexuals, which have not placated these jackboots but rather whetted their appetites for demanding even more

  3. In Missouri they succeeded in getting a university president to resign. Over nothing.

  4. shame on the Mizou Bd of Trustees then. Yawn. These brats will grow up to be as special as those they rail against now. Nothing to get your knickers in a bunch over. Bank on it.....

  5. The reason Western civilization's cultural rot is a fait accompli - not something in its early stages, or a set of indicators that probably doesn't amount to anything, but a done deal - is that a critical mass of the populace was so spiritually anesthetized, so morally numb, that no significant resistance was offered.

  6. Sorry, my take is that we are more through with a government of lawyers, not men, and are fed up with their contentious confrontational ways of running their worlds an ours. Sure they're smart. Rich. Powerful. And in the next world for all eternity, it is said there will be nothing but woe done unto them.

  7. YOu often jump me for generalizing yet you generalize about an entire civilization constantly, certain of its demise. All I see is that you are that way only until your creeps gain power again.

  8. This willful blindness is asrounding to witness. I guess it comes from never having pondered whether any thing is so sacred and precious that one ought to go to some personal effort to preserve it.

  9. How many indicators do you need to conclude the West is dying. It's colleges and universities do not offer a grounding in the West's cultural traditions and institutions anymore. Unless you want to study STEM disciplines or business, all you're going to get is the kind of infantile jackbooted identity-politics indoctrination LITD covers routinely. The West is no longer Christian in any meaningful sense. It produces no real art anymore. Wurope is not reproducing at the rate needed to sustain its native population. Post-American society is more fragmented than ever, with no unifying customs or institutions. We have obliterated not only the family, but the notion of maleness and femaleness. And the entire West is unserious about addressing the array of dire external threats it faces.
