Saturday, March 5, 2016

This is getting creepy

 Squirrel-Hair gets pegged with a lot of labels that he's not. He's not a Christian. He's not a racist. He's not a liberal.  Mostly, as I said the other day, he's the author of his own universe and the lone creature in it, with whom he is well pleased.

But I do think the "authoritarian" charge is valid big-time.

I'm an academically trained historian, and I don't recall an occurrence like this in the annals of election seasons:

At a campaign event in Florida, the Republican presidential candidate said: "Raise your right hand. I do solemnly swear that I — no matter how I feel, no matter what the conditions, if there's hurricanes or whatever — will vote, on or before the 12th for Donald J. Trump for president."
The really chilling part is that he probably got a yuuuuge show of hands.


  1. Trump will win Florida/ sadly/ A third party best choice. In the Blue states to come he obviously wins there. Dividing the media into three parts by the SCC is coming back to roost. Lets see Colin Powel's son was appointed Director of the SCC at the same time his father was witnessing WMD'S.
