Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A requiem for the United States of America

Unless almighty God directly intervenes, Donald Trump will clean up in tonight's Super Tuesday's results, probably winning everything except Texas.

And God may well not intervene. After all, this nation has completely turned its back on Him.

No, our choices this fall are likely to be between

  • a woman who enabled her sex-fiend husband because he was her ticket to her own power, who got a Senate seat on the basis of her name and then did nothing to distinguish her term, who made a complete mess of her stint as Secretary of State - up to and including the reckless and criminal mishandling of classified information, whose resume is a trail of corruption going back to her lawyer days, and is known as a mean, nasty person who puts the word out that aides are not to make eye contact with her, and, insofar as she is driven by anything beyond all-consuming ambition, is informed by a hard-left worldview. and 
  • a man of the same age who is utterly inarticulate and incoherent, who has taken contradictory positions on issues ranging from health care to Mideast policy to abortion to immigration, who is on record praising his likely opponent - and, indeed, paid her and her sex-fiend husband to be guests at the wedding at which he married his third wife (whose portfolio from her modeling days is at least mildly pornographic), who is on record saying things about working with Democrat legislators that would get any conventional Republican branded as an unacceptable squish by the very frenzied mob that loves him, who is the only candidate to use four-letter words in his speeches, who is so full of himself that he has his name emblazoned in gold on his private jet, who threatens to sue any individual or news organization that dares to point any of this out, who made much of his money (such as he's made any; he has gone bankrupt four times and is constantly in debt) building casinos, and who has publicly stated that he never asks God for forgiveness.
I actually see a little validity to the mostly loathsome argument put forth by the likes of the loathsome Laura Ingraham that castigating Squirrel-Hair supporters does as much and possibly more to divide the Republican party as any other kinds of internecine attacks. But it's too late. The evidence is in. His supporters almost to a person are guilty of shoddy thinking, reflexive and rigid conclusion-drawing, vulgarity, and utter disregard for the true American spirit. Peruse any comment thread in which this debate comes up. A pundit can write the most cogent, compelling, fact-rich piece that appeals to the humanity and depth that any reader hopefully has, and the Squirrel-Hair-bots will completely ignore both tone and specifics and either digress into Marco Rubio's Gand of Eight involvement and the weakness of Boehner and McConnell as Congressional leaders, or harp obsessively on immigration and trade.

And this nightmare scenario is being played out against a backdrop of a rotten culture that produces no art (and has turned its awards ceremonies for the pretend-art it does churn out into  Sodom-and-Gommorah spectacles that make a mockery of basic human dignity) and provides no one with the kind of properly rounded education that prepares one for humane living, but rather indoctrinates and, at best, imparts knowledge in some arcane specialization, a media that prioritizes personality over principle, a stagnant economy, and an array of dire world-stage threats including Russia, Turkey, Syria, Lybia, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Iran, North Korea and China.

If you were God, would you bother with such a stiff-necked and decrepit nation? Of course, He is God and not us, and His love is immeasurable, and he showed mercy to the Israelites on several occasions when they were at least as wayward.

But there was at least some kind of remnant that was not on board with the turning away, that saw that the people must turn their eyes once again to Him.

I don't know if there are enough such people in post-America to save it from the gathering darkness.

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