Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Most Equal Comrade: Full speed ahead with the planned decline agenda

He likes to see his cattle-masses shiver in the dark:

Oh, well, if Hillary kills off what’s left of the coal industry, at least we still have a booming natural gas industry, creating lots of good-paying jobs and with a potential for significant exports to help with our miserable trade balance. Wait, what’s that?
U.S. regulators rejected Veresen Inc.’s multibillion-dollar proposal to build a terminal in Oregon that would export as many as two tankers of natural gas a week. They also denied its plan to build a pipeline with Williams Partners LP to supply gas to the terminal.
Williams and Veresen failed to demonstrate that the pipeline’s benefits would outweigh the “adverse effects on landowners,” the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said Friday in an order denying authorization. And without a pipeline supplying gas, the Jordan Cove export terminal “can provide no benefit to the public to counterbalance” the impacts associated with its construction, the agency said.
You know, I’m starting to think the Obama Administration really doesn’t like old-fashioned hydrocarbon energy. And since when has the Federal government worried about “adverse effects on landowners”??
Well, at least the Obama Administration is going to carry through on allowing new offshore oil drilling. What’s that?
The Obama administration will abandon its plan to allow new offshore oil drilling on the U.S. southeast coast, dealing a blow to petroleum companies that had hopes of tapping new reserves.
The Interior Department announced Tuesday that it will not auction off drilling rights for Atlantic Ocean waters off the coast of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

The Great Leveling Project continues apace.


  1. When it comes to replacing humans with robots, the free marketers do not plan for decline. They just do it!

  2. Again I ask, are you prescribing some kind of government-imposed ceiling on human ingenuity?
