Monday, March 21, 2016

Kasich's address to AIPAC

I have to admit, he is on fire. He is saying with fiery forthrightness exactly what everybody and anybody needs to be saying, but where is this solid, consistent, understanding of what fealty to core principle on other policy areas?

Aw, sheesh, no sooner do I say this than he starts in with some kind of s--- about Dutch and Tip O'Neill "working together" and how Republicans and Freedom-Haters ought to do the same today.

I spoke too soon. Forget this post.


  1. How about Billy Jeff the Zipper and Newtie the Newlywed? Your intransigence and insistence on one way/your way is unrealistically unsustainable. Many voters (how many remains to be seen on election day) want their freely elective Chief Executive and Congress to work together to get things either done or undone. The big stall on everything is not gonna cut it. Cruz is certainly emblematic of intransigence and stall and consequently has already alienated many voters. He may play in Texas but he won't play on the national stage. So, once he's gone from the race we shall fully expect to be vilified as a nation because we do not see things the way you do and, even if we do, if we're not entirely on your page, it won't make it to publication, i.e., legislation. Mark my words in November, but likely much sooner.

  2. You're completely ignoring my comment a post or two ago. You can't be a little pregnant

  3. Everybody might be screwed here but that ends the anology with procreation. Say, speaking of Newtie, do you know where he was today? Huddling with SH picking his national security team. Newtie might be the choice for veep or more likely Secretary of State. More to be dead to you it appears. It's not my party and I'll gloat if I want to....

  4. Whatever. Free-market economics, Juddo-Christian values, and a foreign policy predicated on our allies know we have their backs, our adversaries and rivals respecting us, and our enemies fearing us. That is what LITD stands for and will defend until the overlords have me thrown in the dungeon.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
