Thursday, March 24, 2016

The essence of what the Squirrel-Hair-bots have to answer for


 . . . at this momentous crossroads for our civilization, we choose as our standard-bearer…Donald Trump?
I shouldn't say "we," because many of us do not.  But for those who do, allow me to caution that you are providing irrefutable justification for those on the left who have always suggested we are phonies when it comes to being champions of family values.
Why?  Here's Trump in his 1997 book, The Art of the Deal:
Often, I will tell friends whose wives are constantly nagging them about this or that that they're better off leaving and cutting their losses.  I'm not a great believer in always trying to work things out, because it just doesn't happen that way.  For a man to be successful he needs support at home, just like my father had from my mother, not someone who is always griping and b*******.  When a man has to endure a woman who is not supportive and complains constantly about his not being home enough or not being attentive enough, he will not be very successful unless he is able to cut the cord.
You simply lack all credibility if you claim to be "pro-family" while actively and vocally supporting a man who writes things like that.  It's clear that not only is Trump advocating the destruction of family, he is staggeringly clueless about its purpose and design as a godly institution.  The concept of loving your wife as Christ loved the church, which involves patience, forgiveness, perseverance, and above all self-sacrifice, is about as far removed from what Trump is espousing as you can imagine.
Again, I'm not talking about a guy who knows the truth about marriage and family but has failed or is failing to perfectly apply that truth.  I'm not talking a man who made or makes mistakes. 
I'm talking about a man who doesn't think such failings are failings.  I'm talking about a man who is promoting those mistakes as necessary for "success."  Not even Hillary Clinton is that clueless.
Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, all you comment-thread Kool-Aid guzzlers, I hereby declare that you are the vilest kind of moral cowards unless you can respond to this in some kind of credible way.

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