Monday, March 7, 2016

Why Hillionaire digs Ex-Im

It pays to be pals with The Foundation:

When Hillary Clinton offered her full-throated support for the Export-Import Bank during Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate, a vast majority of viewers were likely unaware that some of the largest recipients of subsidies from the federal agency are major Clinton Foundation donors.
Boeing, General Electric, ExxonMobil, Dow Chemical, Emirates Airline, and others have received billions of dollars in handouts from Ex-Im. They’ve also contributed massively to the Clinton Foundation and other Clinton-related endeavors. Companies like Bechtel Corp. have ties to the Clintons through Podesta Group, a Washington, D.C. lobbying firm.
But Clinton failed to mention any of that Sunday when she touted Ex-Im’s virtues as a boon to small businesses.

Not only is this ammo for us, it's ammo for Bernie. They spar again this evening, in Detroit. Go get 'er, Bern!

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