Sunday, March 10, 2019

Democrats have decided to become one of America's enemies, along with North Korea and Iran - today's edition

Of course, AOC is going to show up at SXSW. No surprise there. Still, its a bit of an eye-opener that she went here:

Intellectual giant Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took the SXSW by storm on Saturday with her socialist rhetoric. Speaking at the annual South by Southwest Festival in Austin, TX, she opened fire on everything from capitalism to FDR’s “racist” New Deal.
On President Reagan, AOC said:
One perfect example, I think a perfect example of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working-class Americans against brown and black working-class Americans in order to just screw over all working-class Americans, is Reaganism in the ’80s when he started talking about welfare queens…So you think about this image of welfare queens and what he was really trying to talk about was … this like really resentful vision of essentially black women who were doing nothing, that were ‘sucks’ on our country.
And it’s this whole tragedy of the common type of thinking where it’s like because … this one specific group of people, that you are already kind of subconsciously primed to resent, you give them a different reason that’s not explicit racism but still rooted in a racist caricature. It gives people a logical reason, a ‘logical’ reason to say, ‘Oh yeah, no, toss out the whole social safety net.’  
I'm going to be interested in seeing the take of Star Parker, founder of the Center for Urban Renewal (CURE), columnist author of Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats: From Welfare Cheat to Conservative Messenger, devout Christian and, because it must be noted in 2019 post-America, a black woman. She writes extensively on welfare as the modern-day plantation.

Anyway, back to AOC. She didn't stop at dissing Dutch. She went after basic economic liberty and basic human advancement:

Next, she discussed capitalism, which according to AOC, is “not sustainable and cannot be redeemed.”
 We seek and prioritize profit and the accumulation of money above all else and we seek it at any human and environmental cost.
We have created artificial scarcity. And that is why we’ve been driven to work 80 hours a week when we are at our most productive at any point in American history and so, you know, we should be working the least amount we’ve ever worked if we were actually paid based upon how much wealth we were producing, but we’re not, we’re paid on how much we’re desperate enough to accept. And then the rest is skimmed off and then given to a billionaire.
It’s not sustainable? What would explain America’s rise to become the most powerful and influential nation on the planet?

Now, lest anybody wax dismissive, as if the likes of AOC and her freshman-class sistahs were a fleeting phenomenon - which it looks like they aren't - consider what more seasoned Freedom-Haters are up to:

Nearly every House Democrat on Friday opposed a measure condemning voting in U.S. elections by illegal immigrants, as part of a sweeping election reform bill.
The GOP-backed measure would have added language to the “H.R. 1” election proposal stating that “allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of United States citizens.”
Federal law already prohibits non-citizens from voting in elections for federal office. But the GOP motion referenced how San Francisco is allowing non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, to register to vote in school board elections.

The motion was voted down 228-197. All but six Democrats in the House voted against it. Just one Republican opposed it.
Lauren Fine, a spokeswoman for House GOP Whip Steve Scalise, pointed out that an identical resolution was adopted by the House last September. But on Friday, 41 Democrats flipped to oppose the latest measure. 
“These 41 Democrats must now answer to voters why they were against illegal immigrants voting in elections six months ago, but are suddenly in favor of it now,” Fine said.

The House on Friday later approved the Democrat-backed election bill. It would institute public financing of congressional campaigns, require presidential candidates to disclose tax returns and make Election Day a federal holiday. But the measure is dead on arrival in the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has blasted the bill.
Thank goodness for small favors. But the fact that this stuff is even being floated in the House makes the hair on the back of one's neck stand straight up.


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