Tuesday, March 19, 2019

In the UK, it's already gone this far

Some horror stories from LifeSite News:

The week before last, Harry Miller, 53, a plant and machinery dealer and married father of four, reported on Twitter that he had been contacted by Humberside Police at his workplace. The police cited a series of 30 tweets which were deemed to be potentially “offensive.” Amongst them was a limerick written by a feminist which questioned whether transgender “women” are biological women.
Although the police force admitted that no crime had been committed, Police Constable Mansoor Gul informed Miller that his tweets would be officially logged as a “hate incident” and insisted on referring to the “victim,” telling Miller that “we need to check your thinking.”
Miller’s social media account contained no details pertaining to either his full identity or his place of work, but Humberside police still tracked him down to his business because the complainant had alleged that Miller’s comments made his workplace “unsafe for transgender employees.” PC Gul warned Miller that he needed to watch his words more carefully, for he risked being fired by the company for hate speech. Miller is, in fact, the owner of his firm.  
And this:

In a similar incident last week, Suffolk police telephoned 74-year-old Margaret Nelson to tell her that some people had found offensive a blog post she had written in January 2018. Mrs. Nelson is a humanist celebrant and former journalist who writes a blog about death rituals. In a post entitled “Death does not misgender,” Nelson stated the following:
“If a transgender person’s body was dissected, either for medical education or a post-mortem examination, his or her sex would also be obvious to a student or pathologist. Not the sex that he or she chose to present as, but his or her natal sex; the sex that he or she was born with. Even when a body has been buried for a very long time, so that there is no soft tissue left, only bone, it is still possible to identify the sex. DNA and characteristics such as the shape of the pelvis will be clear proof of the sex of the corpse.” 
Nelson told the Spectator that “the officer said she wanted to talk to me about some of the things I’d written on Twitter and my blog. She said that some of the things that I’d written could have upset or offended transgender people. So could I please stop writing things like that and perhaps I could remove those posts and tweets?”

“I asked the officer if she agreed that free speech was important,” Nelson continued.
“She said it was. I said that in that case, she’d understand that I wouldn’t be removing the posts or stopping saying the things I think. She accepted that, and that was the end of the conversation.”

Nelson has confirmed that her blog post was written last year and told LifeSiteNews that transgender rights activists have been “trawling through” her tweets. She explained that they had seen the link to her blog on her profile and added that she “hasn’t blogged much for a while.”

Suffolk police initially defended their actions, saying that they had called Mrs. Nelson in order to raise awareness of the complaints. However, they later admitted that they had made a mistake.

“We accept we made a misjudgement in following up a complaint regarding the blog,” said a spokesman.
“As a result of this we will be reviewing our procedures for dealing with such matters. We are sorry for any distress we may have caused in the way this issue was dealt with, and have been in contact with the woman who wrote the blog to apologise.” 
And the author of the piece, Caroline Farrow, has come in for her own servings of vitriol:

I can’t sleep I am so furious. According to the police I ‘misgendered’ which implies that I used the wrong pronouns/nouns and this potentially constitutes a criminal offence. Let that sink in.
A man has published photos & identifying details of my kids, doxed my ex, talked about my “Catholic pu**y” called me a slag, slut, c**t and scrubber together with sexually humiliating insults & gets away with it. Whereas I use the wrong pronouns referring to a public figure...
Here in Indiana, we're not quite that far along. We're just at the stage of a "broad-based alliance" of corporations, religion-based groups, foundations, and even at least one municipality pushing for "hate crimes" legislation, even though the idea was recently shot down in the state legislature.

Are any of these people familiar with the work of Heather MacDonald in the area of "hate crimes" and diversity-hustling in general? Or have they read up on the harassment of Brits enumerated above?

It starts with civic-minded "nice people" and ends with jackboots stomping out free speech.

It's the passive-aggressive mode of attack in which totalitarians assume the snowflake cloak, getting away with it instead of being derided off the stage, because we have conferred virtue on victimhood.

The only way to avoid the grim endgame of this way of proceeding is to muster the courage to speak the plain truth at city hall, at church, at the Chamber of Commerce. At school.

The diversity jackboots want us to view humanity as a dichotomy - oppressors and oppressed. I would posit that the actual dichotomy places on the two sides of the dividing line those who cherish their freedom, who understand where human dignity comes from, and on the other side, those who hate those very things and wish to stomp the first group our of existence.

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