Thursday, March 21, 2019

A chilling glimpse into how the Freedom-Hater propaganda machine works

A "communications" school gives an award to a "journalist" for excluding the side of the climate debate that makes sense from a story he did on the subject of that debate:

NBC host Chuck Todd received a Walter Cronkite Award for political journalism for an hour-long feature on climate change that excluded “climate deniers.”
The Norman Lear Center at the USC Annenberg School for Communication gave the award to Todd and his Sunday show “Meet The Press.” The hour-long special, titled “Climate Crisis,” featured experts and politicians who agree that human activity is driving the earth’s climate toward catastrophe.
“In an extraordinary move for a Sunday show, NBC’s Meet the Press moderated by Chuck Todd devoted an entire hour to the reality of climate change, rather than giving airtime to a fake equivalence between science and science deniers,” the Norman Lear Center said in a statement.
The featured guests discussed and debated actions and government policies that could curb man’s influence on climate. The special notably excluded any scientists or politicians who questioned the significance of humanity’s influence on the climate.
Judges for the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Political Journalism called the program “urgent and unprecedented” and a “breakthrough in issue coverage,” according to the Norman Lear Center. 
Got that? No room for the likes of Judith Curry, S. Fred Singer, Bjorn Lomborg or Patrick Moore on Chuck's little program.

This is how we get such spectacles as ten-year-old jackboots-in-training confronting public officials about not moving fast enough to stop human advancement - or, as they put it, "address climate change."

This war is going to be quite a slog.


  1. You name drop some climatologists here. Can you name drop some war mongers too so I don't have to take your word for it?

  2. Now you know The Flat Earth Society feels. They can't get equal time either... :o)
