Friday, March 15, 2019

Garbage utterances from two prominent Democrats

You know what a monumental undertaking D-Day was. It was the largest military expedition ever organized. Thousands of young men emptied from U-boats and trudged straight into a torrent of steel. Many died. The effort saved Europe and probably Western civilization.

So it's pretty vomit-inducing for Robert O'Rourke to compare those writing proposals to address "climate change" to Those who were on the beaches in Normandy."

Then there's this disgusting tweet from AOC:

(“Thoughts and prayers” is reference to the NRA’s phrase used to deflect conversation away from policy change during tragedies. Not directed to PM Ardern, who I greatly admire.)

Hey, toots, what do you plan as a way to out-vulgar yourself? You may have set a new record for opportunistically seizing on a human atrocity to use it to promote the erosion of the Second Amendment.

As I  said in another context the other day, let's hope there's still a critical mass of post-Americans who understand how stupid and poisonous blurtings such as this are.


  1. Biden does not say shit like this. Nor would men like Birch Bayh or Lee Hamilton. Dems have quite a few outliers that need to be either reigned-in or ignored. There are still a few reasonable Democrats left out in the yard. I like Stephanie Murphy, D Altamonte Springs (FL), new chairperson of the House Ways & Means Committee, formerly serving on the Foreign Affairs Committee which she has had to abandon to take over Ways & Means. She also heads the Blue Dog Caucus. But they're reasonable--a bad bad word in bloggie's compendium. (In all fairness, she has already endorsed Beto). What do you want from us all? We all become conservative Republicans? And what steamy excrement comes out of your (former, cause you're a chicken shit turn-coat) party's current excuse for a Chief Executive's Big Mac hole? Not that I don't expect you to try to paint the entire opposition to Trump and, yes, his policies and strategies (often based on lies, ill-will and favoritism) as stupid and poisonous. You don't have to hope (in your smug superior way) there's still a critical mass of post-Americans who understand stupid and poisonous blurtings, because there certainly are. They rail against Trump daily. I do like Jeb's idea to throw another Republican candidate at the Trump campaign for 2020 though. Might make me pause.

  2. Re: “What do you want from us all? We become conservative Republicans?” YES! That is exactly what I want!

  3. "If everyone's thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking."--Patton

  4. OK, I'll admit it. The Dems are a cluster frick.

  5. Democrats are split between two existential goals:

    First, after forty-plus (40+) years of a regressive stranglehold on public investment, thus allowing the rest of the developed world to gain position on us, there is a thirst for not just a competent and modern America, but an America that seizes the unique opportunities available only to us.

    On the other hand, there is a strong motivation to choose that candidate deemed most likely to displace the unmitigated national disaster that is Donald J. Trump and the corrupt cretins he has placed in those positions most important to our nation's future...choices often championed by LITD (at least until they resign in disgrace or get indicted).

    At the moment, these imperatives seem to conflict but we will see how it turns out. However, Ding-a-ling's sour judgement (using the term somewhat freely) of the Party ignores a kick-ass freshman class in Congress. LITD's favorite Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for example, has proven an incredible interrogator at committee hearings. In the Cohen hearing, for example (and there are plenty less famous examples available on YouTube), she used her five (5) minutes to nail down the charge that the Trump organization (and possibly the President himself) had engaged in Insurance fraud, who else would have knowledge of the crimes, where to find the documentary evidence, and -- just for good measure -- establishing the credibility for a demand for Trump's tax returns.

    In contrast, Louisiana's GOP Congressman Clay "I've arrested thousands" Higgins displayed why he never made detective. All I got to say is, Thank goodness Trey Gowdy ain't anywhere near as smart as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

    But I digress. The split in the Party is visible, but I doubt fatal. Cheers.

  6. Also, I must take issue with your clip, which is in reference to the use of "Thoughts & Prayers" in a previous post. It is taken (both figuratively and literally) out of context, and I say your presentation is unfair. Post the original tweet, please.

  7. I think you're referring to this:

    What good are your thoughts & prayers when they don’t even keep the pews safe?

    . . . which doesn't help her case. The point of prayer is not to keep us safe in a material sense.

  8. And talk of "public investment" ought to make the hair stand up on the back of the neck of any freedom-loving citizen.

  9. My 42 year old son and grandson of Democrats has already observed that AOC et al are certainly not the new blood he envisioned saving the world from Trump. Polls show a current majority agree. They are driving the final nail in the Democratic coffin of cacophany.

  10. And Prick Scalf, how'd you like to bite my dingaling?
