In light of AOC's rank hypocrisy regarding use of particular energy forms and consumption of particular foodstuffs, and the spur it provides to revisit climate alarmist hypocrisy generally, though, I'm beginning to see that a distinction must be made.
She who was a bartender a year ago is now one of 435 members of the House of Representatives, and the pace with which she has staked out a program she wants to see codified into law is unprecedented. She takes great pride in not taking any time to get her bearings and learn about both formal and informal hierarchies and processes. She is on a mission. In fact, anyone not on board with it is "just shouting from the cheap seats."
So it matters that she is fond of taking Uber and Lyft, having spent $29,365 on those services as well as car rental during her campaign.
It's the tweet she posted in an attempt to get in the faces of any who would point that out that marks the point at which this gets chilling:
I also fly& use A/C Living in the world as it is isn’t an argument against working towards a better future. The Green New Deal is about putting a LOT of people to work in developing new technologies, building new infrastructure, and getting us to 100% renewable energy.
This kind of utterance makes apt all the references to Venezuela, and really every socialist enterprise that has ever come down the pike. It really reeks of the some-animals-are-more-equal-than-others mentality the inhabitants of Orwell's Animal Farm saw scrawled on the side of the barn.
No, sorry, Sandy, but you absolutely must put your money where your mouth is. You must go vegan today, take nothing but public transportation and give up that AC. Not just so you personally won't be a hypocrite, which is of little interest to me, but because if you succeed in implementing part or all of your mad plan, you'll be in a position to impose a draconian change of lifestyle on us and exhort us to "work towards a better future" while your own consumption habits negate any good it's going to do.
I have no interest in seeing you pull a Maduro on this country, toots.
Once hypocrisy moves beyond the scope of personal pronouncements versus personal conduct and into the realm of me getting coerced into austerity while you live it up, your phoniness becomes a matter of pressing national importance.