Monday, March 25, 2019

Consider today's exquisite confluence of events

The Mueller report and Barr statement put to rest the idea that Russia somehow had a hand in getting Trump elected.

Michael Avenatti has been arrested for extortion, for trying to bilk billions from Nike. His former client Stormy Daniels says, basically, sorry about your ouch; we had sort of become friends when you defended me through a tight spot, but , hey, you're on your own at this point, dude.

Avenatti's co-conspirator in the extortion scheme is Mark Geragos, whose previous clients have included Jussie Smollett.

Not a good day for the Western civilization-haters.


  1. So, you have seen the Mueller report? Or just exhausting flatulent buildup?
    LITD has become just another platform for Trump Toady talking points without regard to facts, evidence, and - most regrettably - integrity.

  2. Do you have some kind of facts that are being overlooked here?

    1. Apparently. Lots, actually. Beginning with the 26 Russian nationals indicted exactly for their activities that "somehow had a hand in getting Trump elected", and which now you suggest Mueller has exonerated in his report, which only a few DOJ officials -- and LITD, I guess - have seen.

      Or it could be that you are just talking through your hat. Nonetheless, LITD's continued support for Putin's activities is self-evident.

    2. To no one's surprise, Putin agrees with Trump and Late In The Day, LOL.
