Tuesday, March 26, 2019

This is an example of the end product that all this stuff comes to

And, of course, it went down in Oregon. I've been to some of the Pacific Northwest, but never the great forests, mountains and waterfalls of Oregon. At this point, I'm in no hurry, though. The humans occupying that space keep coming up with this kind of s---:

Oregon State University LGBTQ groups are all about “inclusivity” in the name of tolerance and diversity – until it comes to veterans groups.
Campus Reform‘s Adam Sabes reports:
The Pride Center at Oregon State University called for Veteran Student Association (VSA) members to be barred from moving into an on-campus student lounge, stating that it is concerned about the veteran students’ “patriotism” and the “wellbeing” of students.
In a since-deleted open letter to the OSU community posted on Facebook on March 15, the pride center and the LGBTQ+ Multicultural Support Network said that they oppose moving the VSA into the Student Experience Center Involvement Lounge on campus.
The Pride Center, which is an entity of the Department of Diversity and Cultural Engagement, stated that their members would be “vulnerable” to the consequences of deciding to let the vet group occupy that space.
The group cited President Trump’s anti-transgender military policies as one reason they opposed the inclusion of the VSA, but there were other reasons as well:
The Pride Center and LGBTQ+ group also explain that they are concerned with the “particular type of American patriotism that would be promoted by centralizing the Veteran Students Association in the [Student Experience Center].” 
Do you snot-nosed, pasty-faced, narrow-shouldered, limp-wristed solipsists understand that it is the willingness of some men among us to undergo great sacrifice and embrace a readiness to harm and kill fellow human beings, if they pose a threat, not so different from a snarling mountain lion in close proximity, so that you can sleep soundly at night and have the luxury of publicly stating your views without getting dragged off to the hoosegow?

And this business about a "particular type of American Patriotism": how many of you putting forth such phraseology knowledge your ass from a hot rock about John Locke, or the conversations among James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, an other Founders?

When narcissists who have exotic sex lives have greater cultural power than fine men who have put everything on the line to defend our freedom, we're in a world of hurt.


  1. I know peeps living in retired veteran territory in Florida who get a bit fed up with the military discounts they continually receive from businesses. Serve from age 18 to age 48 and ypu're retired out at 75% of your pay, with totally free healthcare bennies for life. Yet we are bombarded with advertising urging us to donate to homeless, insane, suicidal and/or otherwise disabled. I've often wondered how successful the service is in producing what should be, from all the recruitment hype, the few, the proud and, by inference, citizens most prepared for at least self-survival. 2 vets I know deal drugs to supplement their other bennies all the rest of us who pay our own ways have to work for to pay for them. It must be the dependency induced by socialism that makes it thus.

  2. Compelling anecdotes, to be sure, but what are the stats re: vets who live the rest of their lives as stable, productive citizens compared to those who have these kinds of problems?

  3. I dunno. More than the few? Why is homelessness such a targeted and heavily advertised issue for vets?

  4. Despite all the socialistic bennies like free college, medical care, robust pensions we all pay for, including your limp wristed pasty faced gay dogs, they have their hands out for donations for all sorts of their psycholigical and physical ills as if they really are a special set of post-American humanity, when l, in reality they are brainwashed, mechanized pawns.

  5. You almost sound like the position being taken by the little snot-noses in Oregon

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So please tell me how my truth about the military sounds like your pasty limp-wristed snotnoses in Oregon?

  8. The generalization that people who join the armed services are "brainwashed, mechanized pawns."
