Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Well, yeah, why didn't you?

Katy Tur at MSNBC ought to be encouraged in her recent dipping of her toe in the waters of actual journalism. She asked Hawaiian Senator Maize Hirono why it was that all those Dems voted present instead of hell yeah when there was a vote on the Green New Deal yesterday.

Allahpundit at Hot Air examines the dynamics of what's going on here:

Words you won’t often read here: Katy Tur is correct. I made the same point yesterday about 2020 Dems trying to have it both ways on the vote, being “half-pregnant” on the GND by endorsing it publicly and then hedging their bets by voting present on the Senate floor. The best Hirono can do to justify it is note that McConnell held the vote to try to divide Democrats. Right — because the legislation itself is divisive. Left-wing panderers like the 2020 field and remake-the-world imbeciles like AOC think it’s just grand, or pretend to for their own electoral purposes; moderates with purpler constituencies back home look at the cost and the goofy excesses about farting cows and run screaming. Nothing aggravates the tension within Team Blue between the progressive sans-culottes and the centrist freshmen who actually knocked off Republicans in last year’s midterms like the GND. (Well, maybe Ilhan Omar riffing on dual loyalty does.) If you don’t like having to take a tough vote on it, don’t promote it incessantly and basically dare McConnell to call your bluff.
For fark’s sake, Hirono even makes a point here of noting that the legislation is “an aspirational document that says we recognize the science behind climate change unlike Trump and the Republicans.” If it’s merely aspirational, all the more reason to cowboy up and vote for it. Defend it on those grounds on the trail: “I voted yes to signal that global warming is an urgent priority and that no proposal, however ambitious, should be ruled out at first blush.” Then, when you’re inevitably confronted about the $93 trillion price tag, you can change the subject to white privilege or whatever.
And AOC was at her incoherent best fuming about it. She's so hot when she's p----d.


  1. We really don't need you conservatives to rub AOC in our faces.


  2. How about Mazie Hirono? Do you need us to rub her in your faces?

  3. Did I complain? Don't know much about het, so sure, pile it on thick and heavy. Perbaps something will stick. Is she as extreme as AOC? Would you like them all to be Ted Cruz? I an currently smitten with the current leader of the House Blue Dogs, Stephanie Murphy, D. Winter Park. Why not rip into her for a respite.

  4. Well, during the Kavanaugh confirmation process, she said it was time for men to shut up.

  5. Hirono, that is. Murphy seems reasonably sane.

  6. Love on a Dem like Mayor Pete whose resume would impress any Republican. He's the real old time Kennedy/Harvard/combat veteran route. Most of us think AOC and her ilk are aa nuts as you do.
