Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Mueller report release - initial thoughts

Its main effect is going to be to pull the puppet strings of the two main types of knee-jerk tribalists in post-America - the Leftists and the throne-sniffers.

 The Leftists, as exemplified by their standard-bearers in Congress, are already launching their own investigations, the tiresome nature of which will ensure an ever-shrinking interested public.

The throne-sniffers will crow. Their king will be insufferable. 

That's about it. 

As actually important stuff happens in the world, this whole thing will recede from the national radar.


  1. The ongoing support of LITD for Putin and his activities remains a glaring concern.

  2. That one requires some fleshing out, big time. I don’t think anyone who reads this site could make the connection.
