Monday, March 18, 2019

It's this kind of stuff - today's edition

We could have had a grownup as president and still enjoyed the good policy moves we've seen over the past two-plus years.

But, as a friend of mine characterizes it, we went for the seven-year-old with the Twitter account.

The shills, and even, sadly, a lot of people who aren't quite shills but are portraying the last two years as an unmitigated return to greatness, still overlook how the Very Stable Genius's unsavory personality traits - in this case, his pettiness - cause problems on important levels.

Didn't the VSG have anything better to do with his Sunday than spew this?

'It's truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of 'the other side.' Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows,' he wrote on Twitter.
For cryin' out loud, now everybody from the New York Times's stable of columnists to everybody in the entire entertainment business to all the Dem presidential candidates are going to pile on and sound the First Amendment alarm.

No, sorry, throne sniffers, this guy is not conservatism's savior. I don't care what Victor Davis Hanson and Conrad Black have to say about him, much less Sean Hannity and Wayne Allen Root. He's a problem. That's true even though we have some great federal judges, less regulation, and we're out of the Paris accord and the JCPOA.

It looks like we're stuck with him as we attempt to avoid an occupation of the Oval Office by one of the disasters running on the Dem side, but it does us no good to overlook this guy's troublesome ways.

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