Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Democrats have gone there (Jew-hatred, that is)

So Ilhan Omar's three rounds of anti-Israel (and I don't just mean anti-Israeli policies on any given matter, but ire about that nation's very existence) statements led to House Democrats trying to craft some sort of statement of censure, but winding up watering that down to a generalized mush about generalized "hate" and then probable postponement of the whole thing.

There's the clear affinity, different in nature and degree from her interactions with any other fellow House members, that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has for her two blatantly anti-Israel colleagues (Omar and Rashida Tlaib) in the freshmen class in the House, as well as AOC's boasting about having a "lovely conversation" with Jeremy Corbin.

Here's how Democrats in the Senate - Democrats running for president - are responding to the push by a dwindling few in their party to call out Omar for her vitriol:

Sanders said "We must develop an evenhanded Middle East policy which brings Israelis and Palestinians together for a lasting peace. What I fear is going on in the House now is an effort to target Congresswoman Omar as a way of stifling that debate." 
Harris echoed this, saying, "There is a difference between criticism of policy or political leaders, and anti-Semitism" and also arguing, "I am concerned that the spotlight being put on Congresswoman Omar may put her at risk." 
Warren also went a similar route, declaring, "Branding criticism of Israel as automatically anti-Semitic has a chilling effect on our public discourse and makes it harder to achieve a peaceful solution between Israelis and Palestinians."
As Ben Shapiro points out, that's a lame attempt to get the public to swallow a rotten chunk of dog vomit:

Omar didn’t make a single statement about Israel’s policies or government. She suggested that the Jewish State has hypnotic power, that Jewish money undergirds American support for Israel, and that Israel supporters have dual loyalty. This isn’t about Netanyahu or settlements or anything else Israel-related. It’s pure anti-Semitism. 

The intersectionality aspect of this has some on the Left going into a ridiculous degree of eat-their-own mode:

Saira Rao, a "Justice Democrat" who ran for office in Colorado (and lost), has been active in supporting Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) following an outcry over clearly anti-Semitic statements Omar made last week at an event for progressive activists. Tuesday night, she weighed in on the debate over whether House Democrats should adopt a measure condemning anti-Semitism by comparing Pelosi to infamous white supremacist David Duke.
"Iam going to unfollow anyone who posts anything positive about Nancy Pelosi," Rao tweeted. "Nancy Pelosi is a white feminist. White feminists are white supremacists. Nancy Pelosi is a white supremacist. And if you idolize Nancy Pelosi, you may as well declare allegiance to David Duke."
But before you indulge the tendency to laugh her off as a buffoon on the margins, consider that the Justice Democrats had a lot to do with putting the above-mentioned House freshmen in office. In fact,  AOC served on the Justice Democrats board. That group is ascendant within that body. Indeed, AOC is drawing up a list of Dems who have voted with Republicans on anything so as to primary them in the next election.

And this Jew-hatred does not exist in isolation. It's just a little further down the sewer drain from the the grisly delight in dismemberment of people about to be delivered and, indeed, watching newborn people die from the intentional withholding of basic care, the hatred of individual success, and hatred of the human species' advancement, that the Democrats are now proud to claim.

I can't see the Democrats being able to dial this back. After all, Jewish Democrats are secular, and therefore lack a core from which to mount an adequate defense of why their identity is worth preserving.

What's the next stop on the way down the sewer drain?


  1. 41% of the Jews in Israel are secular so how can they possibly be American Democrats?

  2. OK, all Jewish Democrats are secular. Joe Lieberman--the man who ran with the victor of the US pooular vote for President back in 2000 might be surprised to hear that.

  3. You'll recall that he left the Dems.

  4. He left because he lost a CT primary. He called himself an independent Dem. Last good move? Endorsing Hillie over the train wreck Trump,

  5. Bloggie ain't the only independent. We vastly outnumber the party liners.
