Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Not only does Elizabeth Warren hate freedom, she wants to undermine the family

She wants to insert government into the finances and relationships of post-American households in an unprecedentedly intrusive way,  with a universal child-care plan that would use her recently proposed wealth tax to guarantee that no matter how many kids a family had, the family would never have to spend more than 7 percent of its household income on child care.

Warren’s plan would cost taxpayers $70 billion per year, according to an analysis by Moody’s Analytics economists Mark Zandi and Sophia Koropeckyj. It would be paid for with some of the revenue from an annual wealth tax Warren has proposed on assets above $50 million, the person said.
The proposal would “substantially increase the number of children able to receive formal child care” from 6.8 million (or one-third of those under 5 years old) to 12 million (or 60 percent of children under 5), the economists said. It would cut formal care costs for families with young children by about 17 percent.
Two glaringly obvious reasons why this is sinister and must be opposed by decent normal people who love their freedom:

One is that using the tax code to punish wealth is tyranny of the rankest sort. People have the right to make or have as much money as they damn well want to, and should be free of the anticipation that the state might seize a greater percentage of it than it did when they made or had less.

The other is that the last thing we need in this country is yet more of a push to hand over young children to the state or the "child care" institutions it enlists in its mission to destroy the basic building block of a functional, happy, safe society.

Whenever this comes up - in face-to-face conversations or in online exchanges - we must be prepared to argue forcefully from the standpoint of these two reasons.

Don't let jackboots like Warren claim the prerogative of framing this in any other way.

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