Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The SOTU post

Stylistically, it was an interesting mix of quintessential VSG means of expression (on Iran: "They do bad, bad things") and actual soaring rhetoric that was obviously written by someone else ("I am asking you to choose greatness"). One line toward the end was a mixture of both that was effectively inspirational ("We do the incredible. We defy the impossible. We conquer the unknown").

What's not to love about the thunderous bellow "America will never be a socialist country!", especially as the camera panned to Bernie Sanders, whose face looked like it might explode?

There were plenty of VSG-esque ad libs, some pretty gratuitous, such as saying "You weren't supposed to do that" after Dem women cheered about how most of the recent jobs gains have been experienced by women. It was kind of funny the way he followed that up with "Don't sit yet! You're going to like this!" as the way to announce that more women than ever are serving in Congress.

Plenty for conservatives to be pleased with. The way he made sure to characterize pulling out of the JCPOA as a very good thing. The portion dealing with unborn Americans - which caused a temperature drop among those Dem women who had just leapt up in exaltation over the economic and political gains he'd mentioned.

It wasn't all conservatism, though. There was a hefty dose of populism as well, mainly manifesting itself in the portion juxtaposing "global elites" and the working class. The faint hint of protectionism was wafting off that one.

The attempt at a comity-and-reset tone will probably, sooner rather than later, be seen as not so successful. After all, at a luncheon earlier in the day, he'd referred to Chuck Schumer as "a nasty son of a bitch." Schumer had a few divisive words of his own just before the speech.

Stacy Abrams' Dem response started out fine. I went several minutes nodding my head, saying, "Sounds like a vision I can share." But then she started in with all that identity-politics, gun control and climate change crud and I was shaking my head instead of nodding it.

DNC Tom Perez was his usual venomous self, diving right into crud about "vague platitudes . . .punctuated by lies, fear mongering and empty promises." He reminded us that his own chops as a liar are in good working order with that dog vomit about people getting their health care taken away.

And I've really had it up to here with this Ocasio-Cortez creature and her virtue signaling. Stand up with your colleagues, you self-congratulatory little dimwit.

I think this year's SOTU will be seen as a clarifying moment. These people stand for this, and these other people stand for that, and however we proceed, it's from that basis.

But the VSG mostly behaved himself, which he does when he knows the moment calls for a really good speech.


  1. It's never gonna be all conservativism.

  2. Which is baked into the conservative understanding of this world. Conservatism, while quite rightly seen as optimistic, also has a tragic aspect to it.
    This world is messy, unlike the Kingdom of God.

  3. The kingdom of God is, depending on the translation, either within or among us now, so it is written it was said by God's only begotten son. Hope that's not a smoke screen.

  4. Stop now, what's that sound, everybody look what's comin' down: it's the Catholic right, listen with all your might, some might think it's the Kingdom amongst us:

    “in-your-face Catholicism” is often expressed amid multicourse meals followed by wine and cigar receptions, private cocktail parties for the especially privileged, traditional Catholic devotionals, Mass said in Latin for those so inclined, “patriotic rosary” sessions that include readings from George Washington and Robert E. Lee, and the occasional break for a round of golf."

  5. Unity through Trump. One holy, universal and apostolic church under the American Cardinal Burke. Conservatism rules!

  6. Unity through superiority and acceptance by the great mass of the inferior.

  7. "Their devotion to individualism, unrestricted capitalism, and diminishment of government services, especially to the poor and marginalized, runs counter to the central tenets of Catholic social teaching." Whose Catholic "social teaching"? To say that mainstream Catholic teaching advocates "government services" is to spew horse shit. And the author of this dog vomit doesn't realize that what he tries to frame in a disparaging manner, namely, individualism and unrestricted capitalism, is exactly what we need more of.

  8. Yes, Jesus is Lord. You're not, nor am I. Aa for whose Catholic social teaching, just google it. What government services are we talking about? Even your American exceptionalism is Mammon and of course you recognized that when you brought the Kingdom of God into the discussion. Yes, I realize you are a devotee of the virtue of selfishness. Carry on kind sir. Come talk to me when unrestricted capitalism again fails, OK.

  9. Hint: Bible and tradition based Catholic social teaching is pretty much a unified whole from Pope to Pope for the past 134 years, and an effort to extend the work of the Lord Jesus since his ministry in the flesh 2 plus millennia ago.

  10. Economic freedom does not equate to a “virtue of selfishness”.

  11. Government should not be in the business of providing “services” at all.

  12. Certainly not schools. Government schools are cesspools of indoctrination.
