Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Democrats hate freedom and are the enemy - the two latest examples

As I always say when the issue is food, now it's personal. Corey Booker goes there:

New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker is not only a potential 2020 presidential candidate; he’s a vegan who says the world “can’t sustain” people eating meat.
Booker told the February issue of  VegNews that he became a vegetarian in 1992 when, after a few days of trying the new lifestyle, he said, “Oh my gosh, I will never go back to eating meat.” He made the decision to go vegan in 2014.
He goes the whole hog - pun intended. Not enough land. Corporate interests. "Public good."  Antibiotics. Confined-feeding hog production.

“You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet,” he told VegNews. “We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.”
“The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land.”
In addition to convincing the masses to give up meat, Booker has other legislative goals that would interfere with America’s eating habits.

“Legislatively, I want to continue to be a part of a movement of folk who are fighting against corporate interests that are undermining the public good and the public welfare,” he said.

Booker went on to explain that he aims “to continue supporting bills that are about public health, whether it is pumping in all these antibiotics into animals that are literally threatening the safety of Americans.”
He also believes cramming too many pigs into barns “is harmful and violates our collective values as a country.” 
Look here, you totalitarian, have you ever been within twenty miles of a farm, large or small? In my role covering local government, I sit in on a lot of zoning-appeals hearings about confined-feeding operations, and the neighbors who try to scare the public with speculation about waste in streams and smelly neighborhoods nearly always lose their cases.

And along with grains, meat is probably the longest-running foodstuff in the history of our species.

But more to the point, what goes in your fellow human being's mouth is none of your stinking Stalinist business.

Then there's Kristen's decision to hop on the abolish-private-insurance bandwagon:

This weekend, we learned that another presidential hopeful, Kirsten Gillibrand, also wants to bury the insurance industry.  In fact, in a recent interview with the Lovett or Leave It podcast, she called the end of private health insurance “an urgent goal” for the Democratic Party.
This is not exactly surprising, since Gillibrand has been a single-payer advocate for years. In 2017, she said:
“As I’ve been traveling around New York, the number one thing I keep hearing from New Yorkers is that people are very worried that their health care is still too expensive. Under the health care system we have now, too many insurance companies continue to value their profits more than they value the people they are supposed to be helping. It’s time for something better.”
So, while her latest statement isn’t shocking, it’s yet another indicator the Democrats’ 2020 primary is shaping up to be a radical race to the left. 
I think we're going to hear this word "urgent" a lot in coming months. It's the Freedom-Haters' justification for assuming the role of arbiter of what you can buy, eat, or offer in the marketplace as a product of any kind.

How far do these people think they can push this dog vomit?


  1. Dems need to beware of becoming the party votes against because that means the despicable Donald gets in again, though not because we're for him at all, just against the crazy Dema.

  2. That ship has sailed. I really don't see how any moderate Democrat grownups can wrest the party back from this.
