Monday, February 18, 2019

The MAGA hat and the accelerating crackup of post-America

Let me preface anything I'm about to say about MAGA hats with a reiteration of what ought to be clear to any and all LITD readers. I find Donald Trump more objectionable than praiseworthy.

I'll tell you what. I'll just reprint what I had to say about him on a post the other day (about his weird remarks on his emergency declaration):

Look, LITD's position on Donald Trump is very well known. It's pretty much the same as that of, say, Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro, Kimberly Ross, Susan Wright, Noah Rothman, Joe Walsh and Brad Thor.

The Very Stable Genius has orchestrated some absolutely excellent policy moves since he's been president:

  • rolling back regulations in a number of areas
  • giving his full support to the right-to-life movement (even if its is a reversal of position that looks suspiciously like political calculation)
  • superb judicial appointments
  • pulling out of the JCPOA
  • pulling out of the Paris climate accord
  • pushing Congress to cut taxes
  • moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
  • recognizing Juan Guaido as the Venezuelan president
But there have been some very bad moves as well. It's possible history will prove me wrong, but I think playing footsie with Kim Jong-Un is one of them. Imposing tariffs on trade partners certainly is. Endorsing paid family leave goes in this category.

Then there are his personality and character flaws. His reckless mouth. His Twitter habit. His belittling of anyone who gives him less that unqualified support. (The way he singled out Mia Love for humiliation is unforgivable.) His utter lack of interest in reading or cultivating relationships with great minds.

Now for some fresh content: There are millions of Americans who think the above list of good moves outweigh his boorishness, shallowness and inconsistency. They are greatly pleased that much conservative policy is getting implemented. They are elated that the Left's power has been rolled back to a considerable degree. 

They wear a particular kind of hat to show it. It is their right. They can wear it in nearly any public place. 

But there are some thugs out there who think otherwise.

Like this punk:

A Vans store employee at the Oak Park Mall in Overland Park, Kansas was terminated after saying “f*ck you” to a 14-year-old customer who wore a red MAGA hat into the store.
The incident occurred on Sunday and its aftermath was recorded and posted to social media. In a video, the teenager’s mother confronts the employee, then takes the issue up with the store manager.
“He did nothing to you,” the mother told the employee. “What did you say to my son, to my 14-year-old?”
“I’m sure he’s heard it before,” the employee responded.
“Where’s your manager?” she said. “Let’s go.”
The mother then told the manager that the employee told her son to take off his hat. “Then he said F you to my son. My son said nothing to him, did nothing …”  
Or this goon:

On Saturday in Bowling Green, Kentucky, a man from Tennessee allegedly pulled a gun on a man wearing a Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat, stuck the gun in the MAGA-hat-wearing man’s face and reportedly threatened, “It’s a good day for you to die.”
Yes, it's important to include the word "allegedly," but there are witnesses.

And let us remember that the two utter frauds who recently made news with pathetic identity-politics-hustling stunts, Nathan Phillips and Jussie Smollett, also made the MAGA central to their moments of basking in the spotlight of leftist adulation.

There is no more concrete example of the Left's determination to stomp into the dust anyone who reserves the right to embrace a different worldview.

As much as I understand what Ben Sasse and Arthur C. Brooks implore us to begin doing in their books (Them: Why We Hate Each Other and How to Heal, and Love Your Enemies: How Decent  People Can Save America from Our Culture of Contempt, respectively), I think we may be in a phase of our current soft civil war that makes that a pretty dim possibility.

This is not to say that as individuals we shouldn't cultivate hearts of wisdom and humility. It's one thing, I would posit, that distinguishes actual conservatives from Trumpist boneheads.

But we cannot tolerate a societal climate in which people are subjected to thuggery for a hat merely exhorting all who read it to make America great again. The layers of symbolism with which Leftist haters imbue this simple phrase embroidered on simple red fabric are in their head and nowhere else.

So we must also cultivate the hearts of righteous warriors.

We've let far too much erosion occur already. It must stop at the hat on our fellow citizen's noggin.


  1. Isolated,eposodic and anecdotal incidents do not equal even a mere trend, much less a case for civil war. But it is indeed difficult for not only many citizens of this United States, nay the entire world to be civil to the often uncivil Truump and his fawning minions who worship him largely because he is a dick.

  2. There's the Wursthall restaurant in San Mateo, CA, which has banned MAGA hats. Owner's right to do, of course, but surely we can all agree that his reason is a little over the top:

    “It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate.”

  3. From last May:

    Employees at a Cheesecake Factory in Miami allegedly made threatening gestures and verbally attacked a black man for wearing a "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) hat. The attack took place Sunday at the Cheesecake Factory outlet inside Dadeland Mall when 22-year-old Eugenior Joseph was dining with his girlfriend's family.
    According to the victim’s account, a woman employee of the outlet walked up to him, pointed at his MAGA hat and signaled the other employees to come over.
    A witness said they had no clue of what was happening, and the employee’s finger was literally on top of the victim’s head.

  4. From last July:

    Hunter Richard, a 16-year-old teenager from Texas, says he was attacked at a Whataburger restaurant because he was wearing a Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat.

    The man in the video is allegedly named Kino Ahuitzotl Jimenez. A now deleted page said Kino Jimenez was affiliated with the Texas Green Party. However, the party has now kicked him out as a result, an official told Heavy. “Police said a suspect is in custody, but the victim, Hunter, will need to meet with them to positively identify the person,” News4 San Antonio reported.

    Jail records show that Jimenez was arrested and booked into the jail on the evening of July 5, 2018. According to San Antonio police, “This evening detectives assigned to the Robbery Task Force were able to locate the suspect in the ‘Whataburger’ incident. Warrant #1653732 was issued for the suspect Kino Jimenez 30 years (Sid# 905396). The aforementioned warrant is for Theft of Person. Kino Jimenez was located in Universal City, Texas. Universal City police officers took Mr Jimenez into custody without incident.”

  5. From last October:

    A video uploaded to YouTube showed an altercation between a man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat and another person who appeared to have a problem with his fellow patron’s support for President Donald Trump.

    The video, taken in what the videographer identified as a Starbucks, was uploaded on Wednesday, and showed what appeared to be a 30-something white man approach a black man of about the same age, who was wearing the iconic trucker hat.

    As the video began, the aggressor could be heard saying “what the f*** is wrong with you? Why you supporting Trump?”

    The supposed Trump supporter, who had a phone to his ear during the entire conversation replied “What’s wrong with my hat? It’s my opinion.”

    Some of the verbiage is somewhat indistinct, however, the irate patron continued to ask questions, hardly waiting for an answer from the wearer of the offensive hat.

    “Why, Why?” the aggressor persisted.

    As the conversation went on, the furious customer continued to invade the hat-wearers personal space, forcing him to back up, time and again.

    “It’s a nice hat,” the victim said at one point. And, “What’s wrong with me supporting Trump?” he inquired at another.

    The videographer interjected at one point that “this dude is following this dude around Starbucks because he’s got a Trump hat.”

  6. Well, nothing quite like all this has ever happened before in this country. But I knew Trump was going to be bad bad news. This shows how far the hate has filtered down. He is a dick and he has ruined so many relationships and friendships around the country too. We are certainly much worse off than when he took over. Sorry about not your hero, but the man who does most of the right things for you and your ilk. Others beg to differ. See you at the polls.

  7. Would you care to weigh in on whether you're okay with the above incidents? The closest you come to doing so is this vague pablum about nothing like this ever happening before in this country. Does that justify this demonization of MAGA hats, and in some cases, physically accosting people wearing them?

  8. Of course it is rude and in some cases illegal and I would never do it. Again, why is this haopening now with this President? The Great Divider.

  9. "Trump and his MAGA hats and slogans and policies are also connected to things like the Muslim ban, building the wall, calling Mexicans rapists and saying the terrorists are crossing into the border among these caravans from Guatemala. The obvious conclusion is hard to escape. It takes a certain kind of willful denial and willful ignorance to wear a MAGA hat and assume that you’re not conveying all those values and beliefs. Let’s say you are a newcomer to America, or a relative newcomer, and you are not white and perhaps you do not speak English or you may not be a Christian. If you see a MAGA hat, or hear the words "Make America Great Again," what can that mean to you other than people like you have made America less great, and "we" want to get back to the point in time where there were fewer of "you" in the country? In this time before, when American was "great," "we" could just be openly Christian all the time and be openly proud of being white. Was America great when there was racial segregation? Was America great when we were interning Japanese-Americans? These are questions that people wearing MAGA hats should be made to answer."--Matthew A. Sears, an associate professor of classics and ancient history at the University of New Brunswick. Sears' essays have also been featured by the Washington Post and the History News Network. His most recent column for the Washington Post is "Why the decision to wear MAGA hats matters."

  10. There was no "Muslim ban." There was a ban against immigration from particular failed states known to spawn jihadists.

    Trump never called all Mexicans rapists.

    Newcomers to America need to learn English. It is the common language of our common culture (what's left of that, anyway).

    No, this person is making an assumptive leap that strains credulity ("what can that mean to you other than people like you have made America less great, and "we" want to get back to the point in time where there were fewer of "you" in the country?")

    And then this person reveals just how shit his "argument" is by gratuitously bringing in the internment of Japanese.

    No mention of the foundation of ideas and principles enshrined in America's founding documents, which is the essence of America's greatness.

    The slogan and the hat are based in a large percentage of the American population being sick and tired of the apology for America that the previous president made a cornerstone of the national image he projected to the world.

    And, yeah, it's getting harder by the day to be "openly Christian."

    I like the proper ass-kicking that this piece gives this Sears dweeb:

  11. What is the difference between being Christian and "openly Christian?" Like long sleeves vs short? More religion can be worn with long sleeves.

    "In the beginning, the MAGA hat had multiple meanings and nuance. It could reasonably be argued that it was about foreign policy or tax cuts, social conservatism, the working class or a celebration of small-town life. But the definition has evolved. The rosy nostalgia has turned specious and rank. There's nothing banal or benign about the hat, no matter its wearer's intent. It was weaponized by the punch-throwing Trump rallygoers, the Charlottesville white supremacists, Trump's nomination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Kanye West and proponents of the wall, the wall, the wall. The hat has become a symbol of us versus them, of exclusion and suspicion, of garrulous narcissism, of white male privilege, of violence and hate. For minorities and the disenfranchised, it can spark a kind of gut-level disgust that brings ancestral ghosts to the fore. And here, in 2019, their painful past is present.

    The MAGA hat speaks to America's greatness with lies of omission and contortion. To wear a MAGA hat is to wrap oneself in a Confederate flag. The look may be more modern and the fit more precise, but it's just as woeful and ugly. To wear the hat is to take on history and divisiveness. Because whatever personal meaning might be attached to the hat, the new broader cultural meaning overrides. It is too late to save the hat from this fate. And it's too soon to try to reclaim it and give it new life."

  12. You're proving my point with this "from the beginning had multiple meanings and nuances" shit. And that barrage of buzzwords - "rosy nostalgia", "us versus them", "white male privilege," Brett Kavanaugh, "to wear the hat is to take on history and divisiveness", "Confederate flag." The rotten piece of shit who wrote this is exactly how this country came to the brink of a new civil war. How far do they intend to push this?
    The decent, normal people of this country who love freedom and God are not going to stand a whole lot more.

  13. Openly Christian means publicly saying that certain things are sins. You can't do that anywhere anymore.

  14. The fact that you ask what I mean by "openly Christian" indicates to me that you're willfully ignoring the entire category of LITD posts going back to 2012 called "Assault on Christianity."

  15. It's the passive-aggressive weaponization of victim status. "Triggering" is the same kind of tactic. "If such-and-such speaker comes to our campus, it will cause such trepidation in me that I'll hav to seek a safe space."

  16. We don't need Christians or any other faith followers, or atheists either, wearing their religion or lack thereof on their sleeeves. Aint that victim status you're declaring for Christians?

  17. "Wearing their religion . . . on their sleeves." Is that anything like witnessing for our Lord and Savior and making disciples of all nations?

  18. MAGA hat "violence" generally pales next to that USCG Lieutenant they just busted with an arsenal and plans to waste millions of purported lefties dontcha think? Talk about crack-ups.

  19. Wearing your religion on your sleeve is more like preaching to the choir. Everybody knows these types. Theyre the ones name dropping Jesus and scripture in their daily business. The guy at work who aligns it with what his Lord wants of him and us and of course jas to tell everybody about it. Or the claims conscious claimant out for all they can get, citing all they want is what the Lord feels theyre entitled to and then enbarking on an ardent display of uncommon greed (or naivete or stuoidity or both) every claims person will recognize the type.

  20. I am talking about religiosity here. And you newly saved, fast firgettimg how much and how long it took for yoi to be knockin' on heaven's door. It can be found to be insufferable.
