Thursday, February 14, 2019

Watching Ed Markey's head explode is delicious

He's none too happy that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has called for a vote on the Green New Deal in its present form, airplane-eradication and all.

His tweets about it:

Don’t let Mitch McConnell fool you: this is nothing but an attempt to sabotage the movement we are building. He wants to silence your voice so Republicans don’t have to explain why they are climate change deniers. McConnell wants this to be the end, this is just the beginning.

This isn't a new Republican trick. By rushing a vote on the resolution, Republicans want to avoid a true national debate & kill our efforts to organize. We’re having the first national conversation on climate change in a decade. We can’t let Republicans sabotage it.
Note well that word "conversation." Freedom-Haters also always use that word when they're talking about race.

"Conversation" means, to the Freedom-Haters, "You're going to sit down and listen to why you're not only wrong but abhorrent and why you need to repent with much weeping and then acquiesce to our agenda."

We're the ones who have seen this before.

Just as with race, we've talked about little else but the damn global climate for years.

It's not in any trouble that would require mass urgent action that would drastically change the way humankind lives. We don't need to stop consuming oil or eating meat.

That's been our participation in the "conversation," which earns us the epithet "denier," which we could give a diddly about, but which you people think makes one an outcast from decent society.

And, so, yeah, this is sabotage. straight up. You're the enemy, we have this weapon and we'd be fools not to use it in this war.


  1. but but but 97% of scientists, Barney.
    climate change denier
    hater of children and our benevolent overseers

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
