Monday, February 11, 2019

Barring some unforeseen element inserting itself into the realm of possibilities, here's where I see myself headed voting-wise in 2020

I see that Erick Erickson has publicly declared, via a Resurgent piece, that he'll be voting for the Trump-Pence ticket in 2020.

His thinking in 2016 was a lot like mine, I, too, voted third party, because I wanted the eternal record book to show that I didn't endorse either main-party choice.

And my thinking about what's transpired since is a lot like his:

President Trump delivered on tax reform. He delivered on regulatory rollbacks. He delivered on undermining Obamacare. He delivered on moving the embassy in Israel. He delivered on withdrawal from the Paris Accord. He delivered on withdrawal from the Iranian agreement. He delivered on shifting American foreign policy focus to the Western Hemisphere to deal with Venezuela, Cuba, and other hotspots. He delivered on solid executive appointments, including to the judiciary.
Like Erickson, I still have my reservations, rooted in other VSG moves that clearly demonstrate that the VSG is no consistent conservative:

I have ongoing concerns on tariffs, the national direction on North Korea, and other issues, but even with George W. Bush I had issues. No President is perfect. Some are badly flawed. In 2020, we’ll be asked to choose between a set of sinners and must decide which direction we want to go as a nation.
But the political realm, and this fallen world in general, require choices of us based on what is on balance preferable.

And there is nothing - not one damn thing - Democrats have to offer that could compel me to view the scales as being tipped their way. They hate God, freedom, basic human dignity, decency, common sense and human advancement.

The Green New Deal makes Nancy Pelosi nervous, but that's only because it spells out the end game that all their policy proposals and demagoguing more politely indicate. Every current viable Dem presidential candidate signs onto its broad outlines.

The world we'll inhabit if their grim vision prevails is one in which calling a poor, confused man who has had his crotch carved up and his body pumped full of unnatural hormones a man will land one in jail.

The world we'll inhabit if their grim vision prevails is one in which new ideas, and businesses based on them, for offering innovative, competitive health care services will be outlawed.

The world we'll inhabit if their grim vision prevails is one in which North Korea-level poverty will be the lot of 95 percent of post-Americans as the government tries with its last breath to subsidize the windmills and solar panels that are the only remaining sources of energy production.

The world we'll inhabit if their grim vision prevails is one in which Christians will have to keep their mouths shut and employ the utmost secrecy in gathering to worship and read Scripture.

Now, Erickson does not say whether, as we move ever closer to the fall of 2020, he'll reiterate his declaration with enthusiasm, or continue to temper it with a note of caution.

So where does LITD stand in late winter 2019?

I can't see myself doing otherwise than also voting for the Trump-Pence ticket. The grim vision must be defeated. It's true that a Trump phenomenon has accompanied his entry into politics and continued to assert its viability as his presidency has unfolded. American Greatness, Gateway Pundit, and Hannity's TV show attest to that.

And LITD goes on record as calling that an unfortunate development. That stuff is boneheaded.

But actual conservatism hasn't gone away. The figures and outlets that embody it are still opining and exerting influence. This, despite what Trumpists boneheads have wished to see happen to us.

So good developments have occurred and keep on occurring, and conservatism survives, while the Left becomes more radical, by alarming degree just since 2019 has begun.

And both conservatives and Trumpists see that. Their alarm over it is the significant thing they have in common.

So, no, there is no danger of LITD going George Will / Bill Kristol / Jennifer Rubin weirdo. And, on the other hand, certainly no danger of getting subsumed in the Very Stable Genius's cult of personality.

But I'll probably push the Trump-Pence button in November 2020. Half that ticket is indeed conservative (even if some obsequiousness is involved).

And the Democrat party, having given itself wholly over to evil, must be defeated.



  1. Oh,well, if you should die before you wake, let the eternal record book show now huh? Dunno if the recordkeeper(s) care who we vote for or even whether we vote at all, but according to bloggie hell will be full of current Democrats. Is that how they're registered or just how they voted? In 2020 or before and/or after?

  2. Hell is for those who know that Jesus is Lord and Savior and that Scripture is inerrant and decide to proceed with their lives as though that weren't true.

  3. I love it when you channel the mind and will of God.
