Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Why haven't I blogged about the Cohen hearing yet?

I'm not sure.

They say that if you want to know what someone is really focused on, watch what that person does. It just hasn't interested me nearly as much as the developments I have blogged about recently. The accelerate rate of our culture's rot is the top story right now, I'd say.

Jim Geraghty at NRO had it right this morning: The whole thing is peopled by a a brood of vipers. There are no good guys. Cohen has perjured himself, as well as run a taxi-medallion scheme and cheated on his taxes. And none of this would be happening if the Very Stable Genius had kept his pants zipped in 2006, when he carried on simultaneous affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, weeks after his wife had given birth to his first son with her. (He, of course, has older kids by each of his previous wives.) And the questioners are each trying to score points for their brand.

LITD also resonates with Guy Benson's tweets about it:

The president’s ethics are poor. The portrait/straw purchaser allegation (w/ documentation) is an almost-comical vignette of petty ego & ethical bankruptcy. The Stormy hush payments seem undeniable. I’m dubious that they constitute a crime that justifies impeachment.
People who love Trump will furiously dismiss virtually all of what Cohen is saying as self-serving sour grapes & pandering to the opposition. Those who hate Trump will eagerly lap up every scathing word and anecdote.
Actually, if one steps back, it's possibly to view gotcha government like we're seeing displayed here as a level on which cultural rot manifests itself. In addition to the pressing matter of this cultural rot, there are all the world-stage developments I listed yesterday. And we choose to focus on this preen-fest peopled by scalawags? How did we get here?

So, somebody give be a heads up when something earth-shaking comes out of this. In the meantime, I'm seeing fires burst out all over the place.

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