Sunday, February 24, 2019

Michael Steele descends into moral rot on live television

He really said this:

Michael Steel showed no . . . restraint in a TV appearance Friday:
“These are his people. And he’s not going to thank law enforcement because he’s probably not happy about what law enforcement did.” Seriously? Trump isn’t happy with the FBI because they thwarted a domestic terror attack by a white supremacist, i.e., “his people”?
To spew something so purely speculative, so foul with the stench of insinuation, at a moment when this nation is trying to sort out truth from lies in a number of identity-politics situations, is the height of irresponsibility.

He knowingly and willfully poisoned the national atmosphere.

What got into this guy? It's one thing to find Donald Trump objectionable on many levels. LITD does.

But to let loose with a remark like this is unconscionable.

Michael Steele has disqualified himself from any further participation in the realm of acceptable discourse.

UPDATE: some tweets:

Liz Wheeler:

What is WRONG with these people?!

Michael Steele says Trump probably wasn't happy the FBI stopped a white nationalist from killing liberals & media people.

MSNBC host: "That's a brave thing to say."

No, that's an insane, dangerous, false thing to say.
Steve Cortes:

.@MichaelSteele has lost his mind. How could a “news” organization allow such scurrilous slander to go unchallenged on-air?

Also, really tired of leftists like Steele & @NicolleDWallace constantly conflating white supremacy w/ American nationalism, which has ZERO to do with race 

Mark Levin:

He was arrested under the Trump administration you idiot. And now he’ll be prosecuted under the Trump administration. 


  1. Unbelievable. Yet Trump wanys to spar with Spike.

  2. Who's Spike? Am I behind the curve on some commonly used moniker?

  3. I suppose so. But I'm failing to make the connection to the outrageousness of what Steele has done here.
