Friday, February 15, 2019

It's this kind of stuff - today's edition

Look, LITD's position on Donald Trump is very well known. It's pretty much the same as that of, say, Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro, Kimberly Ross, Susan Wright, Noah Rothman, Joe Walsh and Brad Thor.

The Very Stable Genius has orchestrated some absolutely excellent policy moves since he's been president:

  • rolling back regulations in a number of areas
  • giving his full support to the right-to-life movement (even if its is a reversal of position that looks suspiciously like political calculation)
  • superb judicial appointments
  • pulling out of the JCPOA
  • pulling out of the Paris climate accord
  • pushing Congress to cut taxes
  • moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem
  • recognizing Juan Guaido as the Venezuelan president
But there have been some very bad moves as well. It's possible history will prove me wrong, but I think playing footsie with Kim Jong-Un is one of them. Imposing tariffs on trade partners certainly is. Endorsing paid family leave goes in this category.

Then there are his personality and character flaws. His reckless mouth. His Twitter habit. His belittling of anyone who gives him less that unqualified support. (The way he singled out Mia Love for humiliation is unforgivable.) His utter lack of interest in reading or cultivating relationships with great minds.

Sometimes the confluence of bad policy decisions and impulsiveness make for truly destructive moments.

Such is the case with what he said in announcing the horrible state of emergency regarding the southern border.

For crying out loud, an emergency is something that requires action that one has to do, by definition. So what in the name of all that is holy prompted him to say this?

"I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this, but I'd rather do it much faster."

Pal, you just handed your testicles to the Freedom-Haters on a silver platter. They are going to ride this glaring contradiction all the way to as many political victories as they can rack up.

And then there is the precedent being set. Once the Freedom-Haters have achieved those political victories, including possibly the White House, God forbid, they are going to impose the Green New Deal and single-payer health care on us in the name of "emergency."

So, no, I do not give a flying you-know-what about the shills and throne-sniffers calling me a "Never Trumper" and a traitor. They're the idiots who are willing to be agents of national ruin, and it's enough for me that I'm certain of that in my heart of hearts.

This era in our history is quite hard to ride out. Alas, there is no alternative to dealing with it like a grownup. A disgusted, embarrassed and deeply concerned grownup.

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