Sunday, June 29, 2014

Why Nancy Pelosi is every bit as poisonous a Freedom-Hater as the Most Equal Comrade

This pro-fetal-death pretender to Catholic faith had the temerity to show up on the Texas-Mexico border and say that "every child, every person, has a spark of divinity within them and is therefore worthy of respect."

And then get a load of how she distorts the meaning of the term "community."

"This is a community with a border going through it. And this crisis — that some call a 'crisis' — we have to view as an opportunity," Pelosi told reporters at a press conference. 
Rock-festival people have been trying to peddle that line since Woodstock in 1969.  No, you're not a community. You're a bunch of late-adolescent and early-"adult" attendees of a music festival for which you either paid for a ticket or crashed the gate.  And the same here.  This is no "community."  But the use of the word can reinforce some kind of notion of "solidarity" among the kids hopping on those trains in Honduras and El Salvador and heading northward.  Like what binds them as a "community" is some kind of entitlement to the blessing of life in what they still imagine to be the United States of America without having to give a s--- about the founding principles that made those blessings possible.

This one has to be on any top ten list of her most vulgar utterances.  What shameless pandering to thousands of desperate people and those post-Americans who are desperate to seek out desperation and have "compassion" toward it.

But we can't make her go away because she represents an unassailable stronghold of such dog vomit, and will get re-elected as long as she chooses.

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