Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The sad spectacle of Brit Hume succumbing to Reasonable Gentleman Syndrome

To review for any new readers, Reasonable Gentleman Syndrome is that mindset, so prevalent in Washington, that causes people who had ostensibly self-identified as Republicans, or at least generally right-leaning, to see some kind of value in "reaching across the aisle" to "get things done."  It's the notion that "We all run into each other at the same social events, our kids go to school together, I know these people to be reasonable gentlemen and ladies who, while having a different approach, want the same ends that we do."  Think every Pub prez candidate we've had, whether victor or loser, since Dutch (who most definitely did not have it).

It was with great disappointment and a bit of surprise to see Brit Hume exhibiting RGS symptoms on Fox News last night:

“The margin is amazing… The conventional wisdom on this Megyn is already begun to form. It goes this way. That this is bad news long term for the Republicans and great news for Democrats. It is argued by some that immigration reform now will never pass with Republicans who were very much chastened by what happened to Eric Cantor. So that’s dead for now. That means that Republicans will go forward into the 2016 election without their name associated with immigration reform which will make it very difficult for any Republican to become president.

Talk about not getting it.

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