Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why the divest-from-Israel movement is nothing short of evil

Because it's all about picking on the lone outpost of righteousness and human advancement in a region that is otherwise given over to an exaltation of chaos and brutality:

What is it they want Americans to divest from? A rare, functioning Middle East democracy that operates under the rule of law and treats all its citizens — men, women, Arab, Jew — with justice and respect.
A nation enduring an average of nearly one rocket attack a day launched by Palestinian militants and their supporters; many of those rockets are targeted at schools and residential neighborhoods.
A nation forced by an international community that purports not to negotiate with terrorists to sit across the bargaining table with those who have slaughtered their children in vicious terrorist strikes.
A nation surrounded by neighbors who are pledged to its extermination, and yet is blamed for all of the instability and unrest in its region.
And still under today’s bizarre hierarchy of victimhood, it’s the Palestinians who wear the mantle of the oppressed.
Israel is blamed for the stagnant peace process, even though the Palestinians have repeatedly broken the conditions established for resuming talks, most recently by forming a unity government with Hamas, the terrorist group that controls Gaza — the primary launching pad for those rockets.

You could use any number of issues - human sexuality, atmospheric science, national sovereignty, gun policy - to illustrate the utter abandonment of morality among our mainline Protestant denominations, our universities, our "news outlets" and even far too many of our corporations, but none make it so crystal-clear as where a person or organization stands on the Israeli-Palestinian matter.

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