Saturday, June 7, 2014

In post-America, there's no need for a Constitution

Or a Congress, for that matter, I guess.

The Most Equal Comrade needs neither to free five Taliban leaders, or to sic the EPA on the coal industry, or change provisions in Freedom-Hater-care, and now he cops an attitude re: student loans:

"I will keep doing whatever I can without Congress to help responsible young people pay off their loans." —President Obama

I was thinking about this earlier today.  Just like it's not quite accurate to call him a failure - he's a stellar success  on his own terms - it's not quite accurate to call him a phony.  He's actually been quite upfront with us.  He's on video supporting single payer health care and redistributive economics, his chillingly prescient statement of ambition - "fundamental transformation" - his complaints about being constrained by the Constitutionally designed structure of the government, his promise to put the coal industry out of business.  "You didn't build that."  Sure, he's a liar, but that's a bit different critter from a phony.  He just has a different code of ethics from most folks.

No, he's said some alarming things and meant them unequivocally.  It's an American culture and public mindset that has made them at least sufficiently palatable that few dare - or haven't until recently - call him an intolerably poisonous figure.

That's our MEC!


  1. I have taken to screaming @^%$(*& )($5#@! while alone when I hear him pontificate about something on-air somewhere.

  2. And you listen to his voice while sober. That's a level of character I still only aspire to.
