Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thoughts on the Cochran - McDaniels race

First off, Mississippi needs to revamp its open-primary provisions big-time:

CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash stated that sources at Sen. Thad Cochran’s (R-MS) victory party admitted that non-GOP voters probably put Cochran over the top in his primary campaign against Chris McDaniel. 

Bash reported from Cochran’s victory party in Jackson, MS that “the Cochran people here are saying that if this was just a truly Republican race, if the law here in Mississippi did not allow Democrats to vote, then he probably almost certainly would be losing to Chris McDaniel.”

Mississippi may be a decidedly red state, but somebody's been asleep at the switch.  In post-America, Freedom-Haters know that nominal Pubs afflicted with Reasonable Gentleman Syndrome, especially if combined with a touch of senility, are the way to ensure that such states don't get the chance to send real conservatives to Congress.  FHers may be mad, but they're often politically savvy.

Another noteworthy aspect of the race is the way it tightened toward the end. That's no doubt why McDaniels is challenging the results.  There's merit to the idea, but also a downside:

The McDaniel campaign may end up rethinking this promise in the cool light of day. McDaniel has a long career ahead of him in Mississippi, and Cochran doesn’t, this win notwithstanding. Launching a quixotic challenge over party identification in an open primary won’t win McDaniel any love from the Republican Party, and might end up alienating at least a few of those people who saw him as a better alternative to the pork-barrel politics of yesterday that Cochran represents.  Better to regroup now and fight another day.

This view makes sense to LITD.  FHers do these things.  Let's learn the lesson real thoroughly this time and not let it happen again.

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